Association Ma Rééducation Collective en bref

Qui sommes-nous ?

L’association Ma Rééducation Collective (MARC) est née de la volonté de Mme SERIGNY de donner aux enfants souffrants de paralysie cérébrale, comme son fils unique Marc, les outils techniques et scientifiques leur permettant de réussir au mieux leur rééducation.

Celle-ci est essentielle à ces enfants cérébro lésés afin qu’ils puissent gagner suffisamment d’autonomie pour être indépendant à l’âge adulte.

Elle a constaté qu’il y a une demande importante pour des stages intensifs en voyant tous les parents partirent à l’étranger là où des offres existent.

Cette association a pour objectifs de :

⦁ Soutenir la rééducation d’enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrale de niveau GMFCS ( Gross Motor Function Classification System * ) niveau 1 et 2 , freinés dans leurs apprentissages de la motricité et dans leur développement.

⦁ Partager l’expérience, les connaissances théoriques des différentes therapies et nouveautés technologiques qui se développent au niveau mondial pour les enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrales

⦁ Promouvoir les solutions ayant fait leurs preuves dans les pays étrangers ou auprès des familles.

⦁ Pérenniser l’action en participant financièrement à la formation de thérapeutes aux méthodes de rééducation neuro-motrice existantes en France, ainsi que la promotion des thérapies existantes dans d’autres pays

⦁ Par ailleurs l’association inscrit son projet dans une dimension d’intérêt général avec une ouverture au public international, notamment des plus fragiles, en préservant à ses activités un caractère non lucratif, laïque et apolitique. En toutes circonstances, l’association garantit un fonctionnement démocratique et transparent et préserve le caractère désintéressé de sa gestion.

⦁ L’association poursuit un but non lucratif.


Villa Vorger

138 Grande Rue

38700 La Tronche

tel 0675208297

Hla matched cord blood CP and ASD children’s clinical trails in Russia

Hère 2 clinical trails ( they are taking international patients but on payment basis you can ask)

Hère links on official trails on clinical

( with allogenic cord blood)


And ASD:

Hère new instructions for mails:

( at the stage you get person number you need to send NEW mail with number given) ! I did mistake to answer previous mail don’t repeat my mistakes 😉

So here instruction ver explicit : ( read well all points)


Email is designed for patients participating or planning to participate in clinical trials at the Dynasty Medical Center.

Sending messages to this e-mail indicates that you agree to the transmission of data, medical and other personal information via an open (unprotected by special means) communication channel.

Email is set up to help the researcher sort the letters and respond to them in a timely manner. When contacting the email address must follow the next rules, in case of the rules are not met, the researcher does not guarantee a response to the letter.

Incoming emails are processed in English and Russian, dates are displayed in DD / MM / YYYY format:


For the initial request for clinical trials, a letter should be sent to the researcher with the following heading:


Where XX indicate the clinical trial option: CP for cerebral palsy, AU – for autism;

Inside the letter you must provide the following information on the form:

Additionally, we request (this will help us to quickly determine the possibility of treatment) the most complete information about: is current medical condition of the patient, a brief description any held treatment and its effectiveness.

Further correspondence is conducted by replying to the previous letter so that the history of the correspondence is not interrupted. Please do not manually change the message header, do not send repeated requests and do not send new emails with attachments. If you are included in the study, you will be given a number with which you will continue to correspond with the researcher (see point 2).


Patients included in the first stage of the study (selection) receive from the researcher an individual number that will need to be reflected in the title. Please make a NEW email with a NEW header. The new header will automatically sort your letters in the working group. Please write the first letter after entering the first stage of a clinical trial according to the following pattern:


Where XX – clinical trial option: CP for cerebral palsy, AU – for autism; NNN – a unique individual

number assigned to you by the researcher.

Patients can ask questions; send the requested documents (pdf, jpeg) at any time. Further correspondence is conducted by replying to the previous letter so that the history of the correspondence is not interrupted. Please do not manually change the message header, do not send repeated requests and do not send new emails with attachments.

Name of the patient

Date of Birth


dates of diagnosis

Patient weight



After you have been assigned to the first or second study groups, and later, throughout the duration of the procedures, you can communicate with the researcher at any time on the topic of the clinical study. In order for you to receive prompt responses, you should change the subject of the heading in the following pattern:

CT _ XX _ S 2-3 NNN,

Where XX – clinical trial option: CP for cerebral palsy, AU – for autism; NNN – a unique individual

number assigned to you by the researcher in the second stage.


After the first infusion of cells, the second infusion and until the end of the study, patients should transmit information about the effectiveness of treatment, for this, it is necessary to arrange the letter header as follows:

CT _ XX _ S 4 NNN,

Where XX – clinical trial option: CP for cerebral palsy, AU – for autism; NNN – a unique individual

number assigned to you by the researcher in the second stage.

All subsequent letters with research results should be sent in response to the first letter, without changing the title. Any questions or events about undesirable reactions should be sent to the researcher with such a title.

Инструкция по передачи информации по электронной почте для клинических испытаний. V003.02072019

Hla matched cord blood CP and ASD children’s clinical trails in Russia

Hère 2 clinical trails ( they are taking international patients but on payment basis you can ask)

Hère links on official trails on clinical

( with allogenic cord blood)


And ASD:

Hère new instructions for mails:

( at the stage you get person number you need to send NEW mail with number given) ! I did mistake to answer previous mail don’t repeat my mistakes 😉

So here instruction ver explicit : ( read well all points)


Email is designed for patients participating or planning to participate in clinical trials at the Dynasty Medical Center.

Sending messages to this e-mail indicates that you agree to the transmission of data, medical and other personal information via an open (unprotected by special means) communication channel.

Email is set up to help the researcher sort the letters and respond to them in a timely manner. When contacting the email address must follow the next rules, in case of the rules are not met, the researcher does not guarantee a response to the letter.

Incoming emails are processed in English and Russian, dates are displayed in DD / MM / YYYY format:


For the initial request for clinical trials, a letter should be sent to the researcher with the following heading:


Where XX indicate the clinical trial option: CP for cerebral palsy, AU – for autism;

Inside the letter you must provide the following information on the form:

Additionally, we request (this will help us to quickly determine the possibility of treatment) the most complete information about: is current medical condition of the patient, a brief description any held treatment and its effectiveness.

Further correspondence is conducted by replying to the previous letter so that the history of the correspondence is not interrupted. Please do not manually change the message header, do not send repeated requests and do not send new emails with attachments. If you are included in the study, you will be given a number with which you will continue to correspond with the researcher (see point 2).


Patients included in the first stage of the study (selection) receive from the researcher an individual number that will need to be reflected in the title. Please make a NEW email with a NEW header. The new header will automatically sort your letters in the working group. Please write the first letter after entering the first stage of a clinical trial according to the following pattern:


Where XX – clinical trial option: CP for cerebral palsy, AU – for autism; NNN – a unique individual

number assigned to you by the researcher.

Patients can ask questions; send the requested documents (pdf, jpeg) at any time. Further correspondence is conducted by replying to the previous letter so that the history of the correspondence is not interrupted. Please do not manually change the message header, do not send repeated requests and do not send new emails with attachments.

Name of the patient

Date of Birth


dates of diagnosis

Patient weight



After you have been assigned to the first or second study groups, and later, throughout the duration of the procedures, you can communicate with the researcher at any time on the topic of the clinical study. In order for you to receive prompt responses, you should change the subject of the heading in the following pattern:

CT _ XX _ S 2-3 NNN,

Where XX – clinical trial option: CP for cerebral palsy, AU – for autism; NNN – a unique individual

number assigned to you by the researcher in the second stage.


After the first infusion of cells, the second infusion and until the end of the study, patients should transmit information about the effectiveness of treatment, for this, it is necessary to arrange the letter header as follows:

CT _ XX _ S 4 NNN,

Where XX – clinical trial option: CP for cerebral palsy, AU – for autism; NNN – a unique individual

number assigned to you by the researcher in the second stage.

All subsequent letters with research results should be sent in response to the first letter, without changing the title. Any questions or events about undesirable reactions should be sent to the researcher with such a title.

Инструкция по передачи информации по электронной почте для клинических испытаний. V003.02072019

The live chat 31 July about the clinical trials, future research, and treatments with cord blood in Russia

Link to lisen interview

Dr. Olga Tyumina is the President of Ruscord, a non-profit organization of specialists and organizations in the field of procurement, storage and use of umbilical cord blood and cellular technologies. Dr. Tyumina is a prominent doctor in medical sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored health worker in the Samara Region (Russia), and the Director of the Samara Regional Medical Center, Dynasty. She is the author of 120 publications and holds multiple patents, registered computer programs and monographs.

Dr. Stanislav Volchkov is the Deputy Director of the Samara Regional Medical Center, Dynasty, the Executive Director of the non-profit Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Registry, Expert of the Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, Founder of the Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmacology Inbiopharma, LLC, and is a certified designee for biomedical cellular products acquired by Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In this live chat we will discuss the clinical trials, future research, and treatments currently provided at the Center of Cellular Technologies in Samara (Russia) using donor cord-blood transfusions and other stem cell therapies for the treatment of Autism, Cerebral Palsy and other developmental disorders.

Duke study for ASD children’s with allogenic and autologous cord blood

Interview : by Enrique Basurto :

Link to lisen:

Key takeaways from our live interview with Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg today re. the results of the phase-II trial using cord-blood infusions in children with Autism,

1. As noted in the Discussion section of the publication, the research Team believes that the lower than needed sample of children with non-verbal IQ > 70 might have compromised the results of the study. However, although the study did not meet the target outcome (as measured by the Vineland socialization scale), there were statistically significant improvements in the higher non-verbal IQ (NVIQ) cohorts particularly in 4-to-7 y.o. in communication scales, eye tracking and EEG

2. Currently, there are 3 stem cell studies for Autism where the Duke Team is involved: a) Using cord tissue MSCs (where 500-1,000 doses could be extracted from a single cord and therefore multiple infusions could be received) with 4-to-7 year olds with NVIQ > 70 (with NVIQ measured at Duke as opposed to remotely in order to -hopefully- ensure statistical significance next time). b) A study in China aiming at diagnosing and treating Autism using cord-tissue infusions earlier in life. c) A small trial with ASD adults ages 18 to 35. These 3 trials are already funded but currently on hold due to COVID-19 but are expected to resume ASAP. Dr. Kurtzberg noted that in the future, it is possible that a combination of multiple stem cell sources could show higher efficacy than any individual source could achieve on its own, e.g. starting with a cord-blood infusion followed by cord-tissue MSCs infusions every 3-6 months to sustain benefits

3. In order to get FDA-approval for cord-blood infusions in the US, it is necessary to show definite benefit in a phase-III randomized placebo controlled trial. To that effect, the Duke Team believes that the results from the phase-II trial are compelling enough to seek funding for a phase-III trial with cord blood infusions in 4-to-7 year olds with NVIQ > 70. (As a side note, limiting the sample to 4-7 y.o. with NVIQ > 70 does not mean that lower functioning children could not benefit from cord-blood infusions, that is simply to delineate the inclusion criteria that is most likely to demonstrate benefits in the shortest amount of time)

4. During the course of the phase-II trial, the vast majority of parents who « guessed » when their children had received the cord-blood infusion (as opposed to the placebo) based on the improvements they observed in behaviors, focus, concentration, socialization, testing and communication (by ether increasing their vocabulary or by appropriately using the words they had) were correct. OTOH, The placebo effect was reportedly higher than expected, part of the reason why this could have happened was due to the tools used to assess improvements in 2-to-4 year olds, specially given the fact that this is an age where children in general could potentially acquire various skills

5. In principle, it is possible to get FDA-approval for an expanded access program using donor cord-blood infusions for children with Autism. However, the waiting list for the autologous infusions already surpasses the capacity of the Team at Duke. That said, Duke is currently working with a few other clinics/centers/hospitals to open up expanded access programs around the US (e.g. MD Anderson, Rutgers, etc.) that can provide access to cord-blood infusions without the long waiting lists

6. Although MSCs can be manufactured from adipose tissue or from the bone marrow, based on several studies, Dr. Kurtzberg believes MSCs from umbilical cord tissue are more potent. That said, studies using MSCs using bone marrow have also shown positive outcomes in Autism. Dr. Kurtzberg mentioned exosomes are controversial and have not been studied as much as MSCs. MSCs activate macrophages so the use of exosomes without MSCs may not cause the kind of benefits compared to when MSCs are present

7. Regarding prep work, the research Team has not found any indication that diets, supplements or other biomedical treatments can increase that chance of success from stem cell therapy

8. In theory, infusing HLA-matched (or partially HLA-matched) cord-blood in a recipient should increase the amount of time that the donor cells can survive in the recipient’s body. Also, by infusing HLA-matched cord blood there is less chance of « sensitizing » the recipient’s system against foreign HLA which could potentially make the recipient develop antibodies that could limit the donor base later in life if transfusions were needed for other reasons

Publication ->

#AutismIsMedical #AutismIsTreatable #1in54 #FlattenTheAutismCurve #AutismPandemic #TheRealPandemic

« In a subanalysis of children without intellectual disability (ID), allogeneic, but not autologous, CB was associated with improvement in a larger percentage of children on the clinician-rated Clinical Global Impression-Improvement scale”

And: “Children without ID treated with CB showed significant improvements in communication skills (VABS-3 Communication Domain), and exploratory measures including attention to toys and sustained attention (eye-tracking) and increased alpha and beta electroencephalographic power.”

“The rationale is that CB CD14+ monocytes act through paracrine signaling to modulate brain inflammation and/or immune abnormalities, improving brain function and behavior.”

“One hundred eighty children, aged 2-7 years (mean ± SD, 5.47 ± 1.65) who met DSM-5 criteria for ASD participated. Diagnosis was based on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-217 and Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised.18 Participants were screened for a genetic cause of ASD with testing for Fragile X and chromosomal microarray. Inclusion criteria included (1) negative genetic testing, (2) qualified CB unit with a minimum banked total nucleated cell dose of ≥2.5 × 107 cells/kg or ≥4/6 HLA-matched allogeneic unrelated CB unit, (3) stable on medications for ≥2 months, (4) ability to travel to study site twice, (5) English speaking, and (6) normal absolute lymphocyte count (≥1500/μL).”

But : “Infused dose was not associated with the primary and secondary outcomes, with the exception of the CGI. The allogeneic cohort received a higher TNC dose compared with the autologous cohort (3.8 × 107/kg vs 2.7 × 107/kg) making it impossible to determine whether the effect in the allogeneic group was due to the higher cell dose or to CB type.”

“When participants with NVIQ ≥70 were analyzed separately, the results indicated that participants without ID who were treated with CB exhibited significantly increased relative alpha powerposterior/toys (P = .02) and significantly increased relative beta1 powerall brain regions/social (P = .02) compared with the placebo group (Figure 5). No main effects were found for theta or gamma power.”

“However, for children without ID, clinician CGI ratings indicated that children treated with allogeneic CB, but not those treated with autologous CB, showed improvement over placebo. Children without ID also showed significantly greater improvement in a prespecified secondary outcome measure of VABS Communication SS when treated with CB compared with placebo.”

Human Umbilical Cord blood monocytes, rescue brain cells from hypoxic-ischemic injury:

Finally I found publication about CD14 cells in cord blood from Duke!

here Duke study about CD14 +

Cd14 in cord blood

they found potential not in perepheric blood !!!so not all cd14 are equal :

« Gene expression microarray analysis demonstrated that compared to PB-CD14 monocytes, CB-CD14 monocytes over-expressed several secreted proteins with potential to protect neurons. Differential expression of five candidate effector molecules, chitinase 3-like protein-1, inhibin-A, interleukin-10, matrix metalloproteinase-9 and thrombospondin-1, were confirmed by western blotting, and immunofluorescence. These findings suggest that CD14 monocytes are a critical cell-type when treating HI with CB-MNC. »

« intravenously injected CB-MNC products [55] do not need to reach the brain in order to promote repair of stroke or other HI brain injury. Instead, cell products

reaching the lungs or spleen may induce endogenous cells to produce soluble factors or activated

cells that go to the brain and mediate repair [56-58]. Future studies investigating the

biodistribution of CB monocytes will determine the most effective route and dose for


In summary, monocytes in CB, but not PB, protect brain neurons from death and reduce glial

activation following HI insult in an in vitro OGD model. Soluble factors released from CB

monocytes contribute to this protection. We have identified secreted proteins enriched in CBCD14+ monocytes compared to PB monocytes that may play a role in neuroprotection and repair.

This work enables future detailed study of the mechanism of neuroprotection and development

of mechanism-based release assays for CB products, and formulation of new strategies for using

CB monocytes as therapeutic agents in treatment of HI-induced brain injuries. »

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Just for anybody’s who wants to comment on my blog : I am not confirming ANY comments on it I had too much spam messages and I don’t have time to see all comments which is good or spam … so I delate every day ALL COMMENTS send me

Sorry for your inconvenience but it’s like this

If you want to contact me ( not spam) send me mail:

And I will see if it’s really professional mail or just a spam ( haw to create my blog and not about nerologie – all spam I put in garbage !!!)

My blog is free I am not gaining money from it I don’t have time for useless comments.

Thanks for understanding

Book /Livre

Voilà mon livre « Marc L’invincible » est désormais en ligne et disponible* à l’achat dans la boutique Kindle: ( en français)

« Marc L’invincible: L’histoire vraie d’une récupération remarquable, après arrêt cardiaque et lésions cérébrales anoxiques », est désormais disponible en livre broché dans la boutique Amazon. Les lecteurs peuvent l’acheter:

Here is my book « Marc L’invincible » is now online and available * for purchase in the Kindle store: (in French)

I will do English translation ( just give me some time)

Ici lien vers page de Écrivain-biographe basée à Grenoble -Membre des Compagnons Biographes – Julie Lucquet qui à prêter son plume pour raconter notre histoire :

Cord blood or MSC ?

Just 2 very interesting studies :

1) « behavioural deficit was significantly improved with multiple doses of cord blood, but not with a single dose. We also showed that the injury caused significant loss of brain tissue and cell death, which was only improved in the study arm that administered multiple doses of cord blood cells. “


And second :

2) This was made on animal model but UCB seems to be batter choice than MSC….

So a lot to think….

« This study is the first to compare the neuroprotective efficacy ofUCB cells versus MSCs for inflammation-induced preterm braininjury. Both UCB cells and MSCs have protective benefits for thepreterm brain, but their effects on white matter are different.MSCs were strongly anti-inflammatory, dampening multipleindices of brain inflammation at the cellular and gene level. Incontrast, UCB cells showed a reduced ability to mediateneuroinflammation, but importantly, prevented apoptosis-mediated cell death and protected mature myelinating oligoden-drocytes. These differential effects of UCB and MSCs are likely dueto specific actions of an isolated cell population (MSCs) versus astem/progenitor cell mix (UCB). «


In response to LPS-induced preterm brain injury, administration of

MSCs had a global effect on dampening brain inflammation,

which in turn may have detrimental effects on brain repair and

normal development. MSCs did not improve survival of critical

oligodendrocytes and did not prevent apoptosis-mediated cell

death. In contrast, UCB was neuroprotective against cell death and

normalized the number of mature myelinating oligodendrocytes, but did not display the same anti-inflammatory effects as MSCs.

Our results indicate that UCB is a more comprehensive therapy for

protecting white matter brain development, likely contributed by

the mixed cell population in UCB, and their differential actions. »

thé problème i think we need be very careful with dosing MSC:

« In contrast, MSCs require expansion by tissue culture

and are a much larger cell (average 25 μm), limiting the

concentration that can be administered in a single dose without

risk of embolism. »


« Therefore, a global dampening of inflammatory mediators with MSC administration (as seen in the directional change of the bars

in Fig. 4) may interrupt normal brain development and it may be

such that reducing an aberrant pro-inflammatory cerebral

response with cell treatment is preferable. MSC treatment

decreased white matter expression of IGF-1, which is essential

for normal oligodendrocyte maturation produced by multiple cell

types within the CNS, particularly the glial cells.

Indeed, IGF-1 is

proposed as a rescue therapy for hypomyelination,

and protective for oligodendrocytes. »

« The dampening of inflammation and growth factor expression

by MSCs may be a concern, further investigation into this finding

is required. »