1) What about official sientific researchers about Feldenkrais and Anat BanielMethod?
So as usual for any alternatives therapies I did my own » research » ….why to make any research about official scientific studies for alternatives ( not recognized by mainstream medicine) therapies? It’s simple: or therapies has at least some scientific studies that’s means for me that they want to be recognized / accepted by mainstream medicine and they are doing efforts for their patients ( in order to be payed by insurance) and not directly from pocket of parents/ patients….
So on link you can find what » mainstream medicine » thinks about both therapies:
But I want to say I send them my « scientific findings » about Feldenkrais by mail:
will see if they will answer me?
So what I found:
1)I have found it. It is interesting: Feldenkrais Method (FM) : 2 links on scientific studies so for this method we have some efforts in order to be recognized….. obviously not yet enough for mainstream medicine:
But for mainstream Medcine 2 links I gave is not not enough :
2)Anat Baniel Method – ( no links ) sorry I didn’t found any published research ….she obviously not interested in any scientific studies…..or she has to recognized that studies for Feldenkrais Method (FM) is enough for her method because it’s same basis ???? So than again what is the difference than in methods?
Hire you can find a good summary of the most recently published studies on the Feldenkrais Method in the editorial of the Feldenkrais Journal. It mentions the systematic reviews that I have mentioned before, as well as research published after those reviews:
It’s worth quoting in full a portion of that editorial: « One ongoing challenge in investigating the outcomes of the Feldenkrais Method is that it is very difficult to ‘blind’ trials for practices like Feldenkrais (for example, for participants to not know whether they are receiving the “intervention” or not). Even with sham interventions, participants will often be able to guess fairly accurately which is the real intervention and which is the sham (Licciardone and Russo 2006). This lack of blinding is one of the reasons that the evidence in Feldenkrais outcome studies frequently receives a lower level of evidence rating. Buchanan draws on work by Mehling, DiBlasi, and Hecht (2005) to suggest ways that this risk of bias can be dealt with in studies of practices like the Feldenkrais Method. »
With this in mind, I wonder if « objective » evidence for the efficacy of the method may be strengthened with fMRI and other brain activity studies; I have only seen one by Verrel et al (2015), which is mentioned in that editorial. I would be interested in hearing more about work done in this domain????? 😉
I will not put the name of our Feldenkrais practioner in this article because this article is about ONLY MY OWN feelings and reflections only in prosess to find best and most confortable way for us as family to use for him such kind of therapie…
So First I read a book : the Norman Doidge book, « the brain’s way of healing », in one of chapters he is talking about Feldenkrais method and haw Anat Baniel studed with Moshe Feldenkrais….
So I started to search about both of this methods.
I was adviced by a lot of parents about ABM
( it’s obvious Anat Baniel Method is more popular in USA….)
But my question was:
What is the difference between Dr. Feldenkrais’ Method and the Anat Baniel Method? Logical question isn’t it?
As well as the prices difference ?
As all parents I know haw much it cost all therapies ( haw much we need to travel in order to make our children’s progress)….
So what I did :
I asked prices for 3 centers of ABM ( you can find their answer from Anat center on photo)
And I asked a prices of Feldenkrais practitioner (in GRENOBLE in france in town i live and i found that to get personalized privat treatment at my own home is the best and less expensive way so that’s why I chooses Feldenkrais) it seems Fire me more much more better than to go somewhere for expensive intensive therapy.
So Feldenkrais practitioner private lessons price:60€/ per hour .
I think ( and it’s only my opinion ok?) comparing to ABM prices it’s more reasonable and more confortable option let’s say and just at my home I don’t need to travel and to pay accommodations and tickets.
Yes may be ABM is more specific to children but Anat Baniel is over rated and over priced even if her practitioners are great. This is my opinion.
I am trying to be honest with myself and with others parents who reading my posts … they are my public … because we have injured children’s ….
so I may somtimes not « usual for you » and to direct ok take it like my Russian soul ok? I am direct I am Russian tank in order to save my child…..
So what may be not all parents know that there was in a Court’s because of the fact that this … Anat Baniel studied the Feldenkrais Method under Dr. Moshe….. she was juged for I don’t know haw to name it? Don’t wanted to use hard word but me it’s bother me ….( she gained by the way she must have very good avocat)….:)
Yes Anat was trained in 1977
And she was Feldenkrais practioner till 1987 (10 years before they « separated »)…
As I said I meant that both methods in fact is the same method ….. for me it’s looks like this ?
Just I don’t find prices of ABM not fair in comparison ho original method Feldenkrais she was thought originally and she is not the only one trained by Moshe….( I have the right to think what I want about price policy ;)…
And don’t forget Moshe trained personally 323 people !!!!!
One of them in New York for example ….
I think one of them ( traind personally by Moshe in New York Feldenkrais center:) you can check it : David Zemach-Bersin
This was my point:
Dr Feldenkrais trained personally three groups of people to be teachers in the Feldenkrais Method. The first group in 1969, was trained in Tel Aviv,13 people. The second group graduated 60 teachers in the USA in 1977.
In 1983 Feldenkrais managed to train his third group of teachers, 250 in number. These teachers under Dr. Feldenkrais’ instruction, founded the Feldenkrais Guild in the USA.
Hire you can find about court’s papers:
But honestly do you really think she invented her method or changed it so profoundly that it worth so big difference in price?
very good marketing 👏 bravo
I prefer to stay with original Feldenkrais Method and honest prices 😉 and feelings….
Why I think about this I just think that a lot of parents never go so deeply in their research…..before starting any therapies 😉
It’s dosent meant that ABM is not good method but honestly 900$ for Anat Baniel personal consultation 45minutes????
So I don’t like when I see such kind of thing I I just want to tell parents)….
What I am trying to tell hire it’s « big picture » take a perspective 😉
Anat chagring more than Professor Pappone 😉one of the best cardiac chirurgien of the world ( for his consultation he is Professor he is doing 5-6 operations on heart per operations day and he is the one invented method for incurable before him Brugada syndrome….) no it’s not only matter of location ( like California) …. it’s only my feelings….
If you think she deserves 900$ for consultation …..and it’s ok fo you so go with it…..
Dr Pappone is one of the most famous cardiac ( in fact Rythmologue doctor of this planet )….and charging 450€
Anat 900$….so
It’s your choice….if you think it’s honest price…..
My son has had 5 heart operations ( it’s ablation of his WPW) wolf Parkinson’s wight syndrome. It’s a mainstream operation but in France 2 doctors couldn’t do this operation successfully -they attempted 3 operations here in France.
I had to find best doctor in world ( in Italy) he is professor and researcher in this domain : Rythmologie and his heart hospital has other techniques- 5 catheters ablation, named
« Pappone ablation technique » so he was finally successful! There isn’t a hospital in the world that doesn’t use technology designed by Dr. Carlo Pappone
( I payed 450€ for consultation with him = one of the best rhythmologtist Dr Papponne he is operated my son for his heart syndrome he is chirurgien one of the best on heart fir thachicardias and arytmias…. sorry he is just 5 head taller in knowledge and education than Anet … Professor Pappone has more than than 200 scientific studies and publications more than 100 tousends hearts operations …. and he is taking 450€ for consultation ! With cardiogramme and ultrasound of heart included in price!)
So what I think about method Feldenkrais:
First : I like it it’s different type of physical therapy I don’t know haw explains better it’s just diferent… I felt it on my own body so can testimonial this. But my question in my « very logical head »was: if it was studed by scientific means? Lol 😂
I see just some gains in Marc lately with Feldenkrais’ Method just some more openings of both hands
May be a bit more energy… and balance….but I think it’s must be long therapy so I will continue once a week for next year will see the results and I will tell you than of cause …. but as usual for my son it will be mixture of results ( because we are doing not only one but severa therapies at the same time…)
Feldenkrais is extremely popular in some communities (e.g., dance), and its participants are strong believers in the approach. The foundation of the approach is based on knowledge/beliefs about the nervous system in the mid-20th century regarding sensorimotor education and the best approach to teaching new or « more efficient » movement patterns. This basis badly needs to be updated based on current knowledge of the nervous system, especially motor learning and systems neuroscience.
Thank for reading.