I am just not confirming ANY comments on my blog

Just for anybody’s who wants to comment on my blog : I am not confirming ANY comments on it I had too much spam messages and I don’t have time to see all comments which is good or spam … so I delate every day ALL COMMENTS send me

Sorry for your inconvenience but it’s like this

HBOT 2019 Speaker Videos HBOT 2019

I invite you to see all 38 presentations :

HBOT 2019 Speaker Videos

HBOT 2019

As Ted Fogarty posted this I suppose we can all share

On link you can find all speakers from last dr Harch symposium 2019!!!!!

Latest research of Hbot

About Cannabis

About LLLT

And much more

I am shearing but I can’t put my head on everybody’s shoulders

Just try to see yourself!!!!


HBOT 2019 Speaker Videos


Pons clinics :

Answering on many requests:

Working clinics using PoNS technology in Russia and Canada:



“Rehaline” – Rehabilitation Center- Director Dr. Evgeny Bugorsky,


+1 495 763 0734,


Topics: Multiple sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Parkinson’s disease and etc

Sankt Petersburg,

Odoevskogo str., 28

Dr. Lavrentiy Tsoj

phone: +7 (812) 603-70-10


Topics: Multiple sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Parkinson’s disease and etc.


Shapkovskaya St., 100

Drs. Pavel & YuliaTimchenko

email: tp@neuro-clinic.life

WhatsUp: +7 961-452-1800


Topics: Pediatric neurology, Autism, Crebral Palsy, ADD/ADHD


Montreal, QC

Mazaltarim Marcel, MSc, Director

1140 Beaumont,

T.M.R., Montreal, QC H3P 3E5




Topics: Multiple sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Parkinson’s disease

Surrey, BC

Surrey Neuroplasticity Clinic

Suite 204, 13737 96 Ave.

Surrey, BC, V3V 0C6

P: 1-604-424-8280

F: 1-888-597-8564