Pons 2 ( clinic near Moscow)

1)clinic clinic is located 25 km from Moscow,


Facebook in Russian:


For contact and coordination, please send a letter to:


Dr. Evgeny Bugorsky


2) they can take children’s with CP only from 6 years old ( child need to cooperate during pt therapies with using Pons) and it’s intense therapy program.

3) they can give Pons only for 3 months ( rent) it’s standardization of protocol as I understood …14 weeks….

So our experience in Moscow clinic is really good ( very professional aproach on my point of vue) and really good intensive therapies. And I was in a lot of intensive clinics already…. they really work well. If your child is not able to do 4 hours training per day please tell them that it’s too intense for him ( you think)…. I am sorry but with cp yes we have to work and train a lot children’s…..

My son definitely progressed with PoNS Device but it’s difficult to notice in 2 weeks

His balance improved

Coordination improved

His posture improved

His hip position improved

( so I can say that he definitely progressed because we started to use Pons in March 2018) and yes travel to Moscow was our second intensive for Pons treatment….

What I have to say : if you speaks only English it could be a bit difficult ( 99% of Russian population don’t speaks English ok?) and it’s normal 99% Usa populations speaks also only one native language 😉 so if Russian come to USA they have or to face this difficulty or to take personal guide….

So what I advice you – if you going to travel to clinic near Moscow -I advice – to take translater services ( ask this possibility in clinic may be) if you want to have somebody with you during time you are not in clinic ( lunches / evenings and Sunday so than you will have somebody who can help you to call taxi / do shopping etc…)

We stayed in Istra ( we took chamber in part of building where they have lift it’s important for parents with child on wheelchair… but it’s not standard rooms in this part of building) in standard rooms you will have stairs and you can’t take them with not walking child.

We had also possibility to go to swimming pool before 18h every evening in near building ( not same building about 100 meters walk) they have also jacuzzi and sauna their. ( you need to get medical certificat in order to be acsepted to swimming pool it’s easy check in nearest building where they have medical staff ( but for sure you need to understand haw to do this 10 minutes checking of your skin -so you need speak Russian or need somebody who will translate)…..

You can stay in the clinic appartement ( it’s the same building) it’s fully equipped appartement (yes they have handicap entrance) plese see on photos the degrees of angle to puch wheelchair and if it’s ok for you…

If you want photos of 3 chambers of appointment ( ask me in private).

We tried 3 different shopping areas (near by clinic) honestly we was happy to eat lunch in this area :

Pavlovo Podvorie ( in area they have a lot of restaurants -we loved « Chaihana ») as well as a lot of shops/ pharmacy / foods store etc…)

chaihana resto:

and we visited very interesting Biggest private museum in Europe for old mechanics ( cars/tanks/ motorcycles /planes etc…..) very very impressive 😉

It’s only 20 minutes taxi drive from clinic worth to visit ( they have possibility for wheelchairs entrance and lift in museum)

So if you have questions ( contact me)….I will answer when I have time 😉

see also this Great video:

Really good explanation about Pons by Yuri Danilov

And a lot of examples at the end of video so if you can’t read scientific studies lisen videos :



But for somebody who love read studies: here study which explains really good haw to use PonNS device:


« PoNS is an apparatus for translingual electrical stimulation of the brain that enhances the brain’s natural ability to repair damaged areas and form new functional pathways.

A new innovative method of using peripheral neurostimulation for neurorehabilitation was presented at the World Congress on Psychophysiology in St. Petersburg in 2010. This method was developed at the University of Wisconsin, USA, in a laboratory headed by renowned scientist Paul Bach-Rith, one of the founders of the modern concept of neuroplasticity. In the laboratory of tactile communication and neurorehabilitation, a device was developed for electro-tactile stimulation of the tongue, which made it possible to significantly increase the susceptibility of the human brain to the restoration of lost functions. At the moment, the device has the name portable neurostimulator (PoNS). This is a new generation device for peripheral neurostimulation, based on electro-tactile stimulation of human skin in the most densely innervated tactile region – the language. The language is technically preferable for electrical stimulation, since the oral cavity provides more favorable conditions, such as a constant level of acidity, a constant temperature, conductivity and humidity, as well as lower thresholds of excitability compared to other skin areas » – (Kaczmarek, KA) spatiotemporal pattern presentation // Scientia Iranica D. 2011. Vol. 18. P. 1476-1485; Tyler ME, Kaczmarek KA, Rust KL, Subbotin A. M., Skinn KL, Danilov YP Non-invasive neuromodulation to improve gait in chronic multiple sclerosis: a randomized double blind controlled pilot trial // Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 2014. P. 11-79).

« The method of neurorehabilitation is based on the activation, first of all, of the structures of the brain stem and cerebellum, by means of electrical stimulation of the anterior surface of the tongue. According to literary data, about 20–25 thousand neural fibers deliver nerve impulses from the anterior surface of the tongue (stimulation area about 7.5 cm) to the brain stem.

The principle of the device is based on brain neuroplasticity. The front surface of the tongue is unique. It contains the epithelium, relatively thin in comparison with the skin, 300–400 microns thick, saturated with various types of receptors, as well as a zone with free nerve endings located in the depths. This zone with the maximum density of mechanoreceptors has a minimum two-point discrimination threshold: 0.5 – 1 mm for mechanical stimulation and 0.25 – 0.5 mm for electrical stimulation. The two main nerves from the tip of the tongue provide information flows directly into the brain stem, activating the complex of nuclei of the trigeminal nerve, which travel from the spinal cord to the middle. Nearby is the solitary nucleus, here the reticular formation of the brain stem and 3 pairs of legs of the cerebellum.

As is known, this zone of the brain stem has a large accumulation of nuclei, half of which are responsible for the autonomous regulation of blood circulation and respiration, and the second half – for sensorimotor regulation. Intensive rhythmic stimulation of neurons leads to a corresponding activation of synaptic contacts and axons, including the entire complex of pre- and postsynaptic neurochemical mechanisms. Stimulation from the Pons device enhances the brain’s innate ability to enhance its function.

The purpose of stimulation: to restore motor function or to teach new motor skills.

Combining brain activation with targeted physical training aimed at restoring a lost function or teaching new skills, like cerebral palsy in children who cannot sit, stand, walk, may activate the nerve pathways directly associated with locomotor function

(Kaczmarek, KA The tongue display unit for electrotactile spatiotemporal pattern presentation // Scientia Iranica D. 2011. Vol. 18. P. 1476-1485).


Starting Denas

So as I previously said in my article about Denas ( we bought this Device Denas pcm6 in Moscow fir Marc)

So I started first course of treatments for 10 days with help of doctor ( who did personalized programm for Marc) and send me by mail and who give me advice by WhatsApp regulary and I can ask my questions ( which is good).

So I started with:

30minutrs session ( morning for Marc)

1) Reflecto ( 2 feet’s at the same time) 10minutes this part on video

2) low on his back (10 minutes)zone

3) one (exterior line of left ( most problematic leg)….10 minutes

More zones for processing.

There is a concept – a symmetrical zone ( in case of my son it’s his right leg = less affected) It needs to be processed as well at a frequency of 10 Hz as well as along the lines, as well as on a bad leg, only to move towards it.

Greater power is used in cases of an acute situation – trauma, severe pain, burn, bruise, etc.

That is, in the course of treatment of a chronic condition like CP – there is no need for great power – so generally it will be 77Hz like power or 7710.

The zones of correspondence systems, Su-Jok, are the arms and the legs of person so….For these purposes, Reflex electrode is used ( as on my video for legs, tomorrow I will do video of his arms on Reflecto)….

Reflecto for foots : we use any frequency that we need in the course. In my son case, it is 7710, 77, 60, 20, 10 Hz. You can put on each procedure for 3-5 minutes, but always from top to bottom. Or you can put 2-3 frequencies on one procedure.

But his Hands can be put on Reflecto applicator – for 5-7 minutes, 7710, 60, 20 Hz.

In the course of 10 days we can alternate hands and legs, you can put on Reflecto for example hands in the morning, in the evening foots , not necessarily every day, because the course is supposed to be long…. ( 10 days course – stop for 10 days-next 10 days cours)…..

It is important not to forget to take all zones into processing. ( be patient I will prepare table with all zones which we can do for Cp children’s with haw many Hz and haw much time adviced for children’s ….)

So in fact you can do your own decision what to do every day…..

Just remember:

No more than 2 session of 30 minutes per day. ( like in study)….

ok in Russian all text of russian CP studies for Denas:


I did translate onlysmall part ok?

“Children with significant improvements after going through the DENS, IRT, exercise therapy complex, performed a wide variety of movements, they started to put heels, while walking, their hip muscles tone decreased, the hip dilution angle in the hip joints increased, and crawling, climbing and independent walking skills appeared.

The best results were obtained in children with intact intelligence, when, after DENS-therapy, the child has the opportunity to actively perform physical exercises to increase the range of movements in the joints and stretch the shortened tendons.

Children with mental retardation also showed good results in the form of reducing hypertonicity, increasing the volume of movements in the joints. They, as well as children with intact intelligence, acquired the skills of independent walking, crawling into the “dry pool”, climbing under the “arches”, in cubes and mats, but with smaller results.

The data obtained as a result of the study, allow us to draw the following conclusions:

1)The most significant results in children with CP were obtained with the use of a rehabilitation complex, which includes DENS-therapy, acupuncture and the use of the « Gravistat » suit;

2)The use of DENS-therapy in any complex of rehabilitation measures for children with cerebral palsy, both in terms of dividing rehabilitation treatment, and on the recommendations of a doctor at home, leads to a significant improvement in treatment results;

3)When using DENS-therapy in any complex of rehabilitation measures, it is possible to improve not only the functionality, but also, to a certain extent, eliminate the morphological changes of the musculoskeletal system in children with cerebral palsy;

4)To obtain promising results and to consolidate the effect of DENS-therapy in patients with cerebral palsy achieved after the first courses, it is necessary to conduct repeated courses up to 4-5 times a year.

so my interest in this therapy in DENS-therapy is not accidental, but also in connection with other benefits, such as:

the possibility of reducing the activity of pathological foci of excitation in the central nervous system and creating a sanogenetic dominant in the cerebral cortex;

the possibility of additional subsidies of neural-like signals that inhibit the transmission of pain impulses (neuro-diopological factor);

the possibility of stimulating the neurons of the vegetative ganglia and increasing the formation of op and these are similar substances in the central nervous system, blocking pain impulses (neurochemical factor);

the possibility of improving microcirculation, enhancing the absorption of oxygen and nutrients, increasing the level of metabolic processes and eliminating metabolic products from tissues (bioenergy factor).

2) second study for cp ( with Eeg of brain activity) for Denas therapy :



Malyuzhinskaya N.V.1, Klitochenko G.V.1, Tonkonozhenko N.L.1, Krivonozhkina P.S.1

1 Volgograd state medical university


In this article, studying combined treatment method’s influence of the children with a hemiplegic form of a cerebral palsy from 1 to 3 years old on certain parameters of the neuroplasticity’s range in comparison with the children of the same age who are suffering from a hemiplegic form of a cerebral palsy, receiving standard medical monotherapy is carried out. The combined method of treatment of a children’s cerebral palsy includes the standard medical therapy (tolperison, acetazolamide, cortexin) which is combined with dynamic electroneurostimulation. DENAS is one of types of the physiotherapeutic treatment based on action of the sinusoidal modulated currents with the modified frequency. This type of physiotherapy influences ways of biological feedback which are damaged at a children’s cerebral palsy and don’t give in to restoration by standard medical means. DENAS-therapy by means of influence on biologically feedback promotes expansion of neuroplasticity’s limits, therefore, it influences indirectly on the direct regulatory ways between CNS and peripheral departments.

in this (second) group, the methods of DENAS-treatment (dynamic electroneurostimulation) were applied. After 6 months, this group was re-examined the structure and functions of the nervous system to study the effectiveness of neuroplasticity processes. According to the data obtained, in children of 1 year after 6 months of Denas therapy, on the EEG, pronounced fluctuations of alpha activity of a sinusoidal nature persisted in all studied areas with a frequency of 4–5 Hz, characterized by significantly less instability than in the first group ( first group = after standard treatment without Denas ), making up –40% of total recording time. The prevailing rhythms were still theta rhythm (25%) and delta rhythm (47%), while the theta rhythm and delta rhythm activity indices decreased to 23 and 42%, respectively, compared to the pretreatment data. In children of 2 years in this group, alpha activity was recorded with a frequency of up to 2–3 Hz, as well as beta waves with a frequency of 14–16 Hz. In addition, there were polyphase potentials represented by the alpha wave and the slow wave going before or after the alpha wave. Polyphase potentials were recorded bilaterally synchronously, or asymmetrically, or alternately prevailed over one of the hemispheres. In children 3 years of age, alpha activity was also recorded in all fields, but prevailed in the parietal-occipital lobes, and was also combined with high-amplitude fluctuations from 2 to 6 Hz. The activity index was 40%. At the same time, theta range dominated with increased frequency compared with 2-year-old children, theta-wave activity index reached 29%, and the delta-wave activity index dropped to 28%.

Summarizing, we can say that as a result of the standard treatment carried out for 6 months, supplemented by DENAS therapy, a more significant change in the functional state of the nervous tissue was observed in this group, namely the change in the bioelectric activity of the brain, compared to the first group, where only standard therapy was performed.

The positive dynamics of electroneurophysiological changes was that there was a significant decrease in the representation of slow-wave activity, i.e. decreased frequency and activity index of pathological theta and delta rhythms; along with this, an increase in the frequency and activity index of the main alpha rhythm, the emergence and development of a background beta rhythm is revealed. »

Denas therapy

Why I am interested in Denas therapy for cp or hie child?

First of all I have to say I am Russian origins so it’s easy to me find all scientific datas about this Device in Russian.




1) this Device has Russian license (it can be use for children with CP and they did clinical studies with this Device Denas for cp children’s)

2)there is Russian study published with Denas device for cp children’s:


Just part from study:

« It has been established that NES in the complex treatment has a positive effect on the clinical manifestations of cerebral palsy: it reduces the severity of neuro-lymphatic deficiency, causes a favorable dynamic of the clinical balance test, increases the stride length, weakened muscles, and reduces the tone of spastic muscles. It was revealed that the complex treatment with the use of NES increases the amplitude of the interference electromnogram of the leg muscles when performing voluntary movements and reduces the BEA of the muscles at rest, causing a significant improvement in the coordinator muscle relationships. It has been shown that NES has a positive effect on the bioelectric activity of the brain. »

NES= The basis of neuroadaptive electrostimulation (NES) is the impact of high-amplitude pulsed low-frequency electric current with biologically feedback that affects the central, peripheral nervous system, neuromuscular apparatus, causing the body’s neuroadaptive responses ( it was done with Denas)

3) scientific conference ( in Russian video)


4) presentation of Danes therapies on Russian tv ( in medical programs):




So that’s why I am interested to try formy son yes I bought it during our stay in Moscow I will will make you videos haw to use it on diferent zones ( because there are a lot of zones)

Hire haw it looks :

You can change language on English /French /German /Italian on menu for Denas pkm 6.

If till than you wish to start with some English videos:



And explanation:

Effects of Denas energy therapy.

1. Analgetic (Anti-Pain) Effect

Many diseases are accompanied by a pain syndrome. The pain is the cry of your body for help. The intention to lower pain is the first wish of a patient or a victim. The device is capable of meeting this wish in full. The analgetic effect comes first. That is why, alleviation is the first result of device operation which stuns the patient. Due to this fact, application of devices of DENAS energy therapy is indicated at pains of any origin (traumas, diseases, inflammatory processes).

The mechanism of pain liquidation is complex, it is described enough in special literature. One of this mechanism’s elements is generation of special substances (endorphines and others) in the human body. While operating, the device increases production of these substances in the body, which results in the fact that even patients suffered from malignant neoplasm reject gradually taking narcotics.

2. Vascular Effect

Walls of all arterial vessels have a muscular layer which tonus is regulated by the vegetative nervous system. At dilatation of peripheric vessels the blood pressure gets decreased resulting in congestion of blood, devascularization, energy deficit. At contraction of vessels their lumens get decreased or closed (vasospasm).

This results either in a decrease in blood supply or in cessation of blood supply in some organ or part of the body. Spasm of peripheral vessels may result in an increase in blood pressure.

As soon as functioning of the vegetative nervous system is balanced the tonus of vessels gets restored thus improving the supply of blood to the organ or the part of the body. The blood pressure gets normalized.

The most often is the case when disturbance of regulation of the vessel lumen manifests itself by vasospasm. Devices of DENAS energy therapy restore the regulatory ability of the vegetative nervous systems which results in dilatation of blood vessels: the arterial flow, venous outflow and lymphokinesia get improved. As the result, the blood circulation gets improved, the reserve blood vessels for parts of the body with insufficient blood circulation get opened. The stable dilatation of lumen of vessels contributes to the growth of new small blood vessels (collaterals), which is very important for parts of the body with blood-vessel occlusion or cicatrix.

Due to the effect of removal of vasospasm and its consequences application of these devices is indicated at such dangerous diseases as myocardial infarction, stroke, obliterating cndart-entis, Raynaud’s disease; at chronic diseases – myocardial ishemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, varix dilatation, thrombophlebitis; also at all diseases which are not connected directly with the vascular system but at which vessels suffer as the result of complication thus hampering therapy of the main disease (diabetic angipathy, polyneuritis, paralysis, diseases of joints, etc.).

The effect of improvement of the blood flow in the terminal bloodstream allows to apply successfully these devices for quick liquidation of edema (including allergic edema) and soft tissue bruise.

3. Effect of Relaxation of Unstriped and Skeletal Musculature

With the help of devices of DENAS energy therapy it is possible to liquidate spasm of not only from blood vessel muscles but of organs of unstriped muscles (esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, bowels, uterus, ureter, urinary bladder, etc.). That is why, devices are successfully applied at spasms of organs of unstriped muscles, at diseases of skeletal muscles, bearing disorder, scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

4. Antiedematic Effect

This effect is ensured by the vascular effect of devices: venule diameters, venous and lymph outflow get increased. Due to this effect, DENAS energy therapy is used at edemas connected with diseases of veins, heart pathology, disturbance of lymph circulation, diseases of the urogential system, insect bites, etc. The positive result may become evident in 5-10 minutes after starting the session.

5. Antiinflammatory Effect (General and Local)

As the result of DENAS energy therapy, the regulatory system mobilizes protective forces of the body for the fight with viruses, bacteria and other agents caused inflammation without general symptoms of intoxication or with them. Improvement of blood circulation in the nidus of inflammation increases sharply the number of blood cell elements which carry out phagocytosis (eating away of infection causative agents). The increase in venous outflow from the nidus of inflammation contributes to quick washing toxins produced by viruses and bacteria thus poisoning the patient out of the inter-cell space and cells of damaged tissues.

At the same time, the stimulating pulse of the device activates the cellular and humoral link of immunity thus resulting in quicker elimination of the cause of inflammation (viruses, bacteria, etc.).

Such mechanism of operation of DENAS devices either blocks the inflammatory process at its early stage (if the device is used immediately after the first symptoms arise) or accelerates all stages of the inflammatory process (approximately by 2-3 times).

Due to such action, these devices are successfully used at both local inflammatory processes (furuncles, carbuncles, hydradenitis, septic wounds, etc.) and various infection diseases (acute respiratory infection, influenza, angina, inflammatory diseases of bronchus, lung, heart, urogenital system, viral hepatitis, etc.).

6. Antipyretic Effect

DENAS devices are efficiently used to lower the high temperature of the human body at any disease. At that, the dynamics of temperature lowering differs advantageously from that at the use of medicine, since the temperature gets lowering gradually, and the body, especially the cardio-vascular system, has the time to adapt to new conditions. At lowering temperature with the help of medicine the temperature may decrease sharply (critical) which is accompanied by heavy weakness, abundant exudation, sometimes, by the loss of consciousness.

7. Antiallergic Effect

With the help of devices of DENAS energy therapy special cells and biochemical substances which reduce sensitivity of the patient’s body to the food and other allergens get produced more actively. This fact allows the successful application of DENAS devices at therapy of any allergic diseases.

8. Immunomodulatory Effect

The DENAS devices may be used at any decrease in the protective forces of the body (at disturbance of the nonspecific link, at humoral and cell immunodeficiency): of ailing children, at prolonged bronchitis and pneumonia, diarrhoea, recurrent and persistent helminthic and parasitogenic diseases, difficult-to-heal infection of the reproductive (genital) system, etc.

9. Effect of Normalization of Metabolism

The DENAS devices normalizes the lipid, carbohydrate, protein and mineral metabolism. That is why, it is recommended at diseases connected with the metabolic disorder, for example, at obesity, atherosclerosis, gout, joint diseases, etc.

10. Effect of Normalization of Hormonal Status

Due to self-modification of regulatory systems it is possible to normalize the function of endocrine glands. DENAS devices are indicated for application in endocrinology practice at diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, secondary sterility, and other gynecologic hormonal dysfunctions.

11. Arresting Bleeding and Trophic (Healing) Effect

This effect allows the use of devices of the DENAS energy therapy as a mean of an initial care at traumas and bleeding if the latter does not require application of tourniquet, for therapy of fresh wounds, nonhealing trophic ulcers of soft tissues of any nature and gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, ulcers of large and small intestines.

12. Effect of Breakage Gallstones and Renal Calculus

Due to recovery of self-regulating processes on the human body (distant effect), normal biochemical composition of bile and urine and their lithogenicity are restored. That is why, DENAS devices are successfully used at therapy of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

13. Cosmetic Effect

The use of DENAS devices normalizes the hormonal status, improves hemodynamics and trophism of the skin and its derivatives.

That is why, DENAS devices are successfully used at correction of problem spots and prevention of skin ageing.

14. Reanimation Effect

The DENAS devices are successfully used as the first care at faint, syncope, acute stroke, attack of asthma, hypertensic crisis, alcoholic and narcotic intoxication and at other emergency cases.

15. Anti-Stress (General Regulating) Effect

The use of DENAS devices is indicated at symptoms of asthenia, weariness, general crustiness, disturbance of the sleep formula, at wrong eating, eating of ecologically contaminated food products, drinking of ecologically contaminated water, breathing ecologically contaminated air, at physical, mental or psychic fatigue, at exposure to intense electromagnetic and other geophysical and geochemical fields (both natural and man-made), at radiation, at family and social conflicts, at difficult life collisions, during recovery from any infectious and non-infectious diseases, at surplus consumption of alcohol, drugs, toxic narcotic-like substances; after surgery and at patients suffered from oncology diseases.

so I bought Denas Device and all électrodes for my son in Moscow clinic

And I think to take some external électrodes:

Dens feet’s Denas-Reflexo

Electro neuro stimulation and massage of feet reflex zones

New external electrode – Denas-Reflexo is produced from an innovative shockproof material – conductive plastic.

It is made in the shape of a square platform with a slight elevation in the middle and is covered with rounded spikes.

This design allows the use to achieve close contact with the whole feet skin area, including the arch, which helps to improve DENAS therapy efficiency.

Other than this, the spikes stimulate the skin’s receptors mechanically in the feet and facilitate additional effects.

There are two significant groups of indications for dynamic electro neuro stimulation with Denas-Reflexo.

The 1st group of indications – when we need to reach local therapeutic effects, solving orthopedic problems such as feet joints diseases, arthrosis, arthritis, gout, flatfoot, valgus deformity (when bone or joint is twisted outward from the center of the body), traumas and other problems.

Vascular problems are considered a part of local therapeutic effects, such as varicose, chronic venous insufficiency, accompanied by feeling of tiredness and puffiness in legs, which intensifies by the end of the day.

A disruption of arterial blood flow is also considered a type of vascular problem, or so called occlusive diseases: atherosclerosis, endarteritis, diabetic foot lesion, including trophic disorders. Furthermore, DENAS therapy is indicated for lymphatic drainage disorder or so called lymph stasis.

The electro stimulation is applied in cases of peripheral nerve lesions in the lower extremities as well as in cases of diabetic or radiculitis (spine pathology) origin.

The 2nd significant group of Denas-Reflexo indications are conditions in which we want to achieve a general regulatory effect. According to classical Su Jok feet system there is a projection of all internal body organs in feet (see pic. below).

Therefore, an indication for feet DENAS procedure are syndromes of chronic fatigue, emotional, physical and mental overstrain/stress, mood swings, anxiety, depression, frequent migraines, sleep disorders and many other problems.

Denas-Reflexo application turns dynamic electro neuro stimulation into an extremely comfortable and convenient procedure. All you have to do is to connect the Denas-Reflexo applicator to any universal Denas unit, place your feet on the platform, as demonstrated, and select an appropriate stimulation program.

Work with:

DiaDens-PCM-3, DiaDens-T-2, Denas device-2, Denas-PCM-4, Denas-T-3, Denas-3, DiaDens-PC

Microfibrilotomy or Ulzibat methode ( just my research on subject)


First of all I want to say that my child did not had this operation ( he don’t have fibrous modified muscle fibers at least not yet 3 years after anoxic injury…. we saw doctor for consultation this summer….but doctor Repetunov said he didn’t need it (at least for the moment).

microfibrilotomy or Ulzibat methode :

The development and implementation of the method began in 1985 and ended with the drawing up in 1987 of five applications for inventions, which were subsequently registered as patents NoNo 1560143, 1621901, 1641300, 1718868 and 2014020.

This technology is designed to eliminate organic muscle contractures and myofascial pain syndrome. It is based on a phased subcutaneous intersection of fibrous modified muscle fibers in the zone of their attachment to the bone using a special scalpel (microfibrilotomy VB Ulzibata) in order to improve muscle function.

Source :


Partial translation :

Dr Ulzibat put forward the hypothesis that the sclerotic changes in the myofibrils of the muscle fiber (myofibrillosis) are the basis of the IFB [28]. The pathogenesis of pain syndrome in IFA is formulated taking into account clinical and morphological signs, and is represented by four main mechanisms [29]. The main stages of pathogenesis are as follows: when muscle pathogenic factors of various nature (physical, chemical, biological) are exposed to muscle contraction occurs (MC). SMPB is clinically manifested by weakness, stiffness, increased muscle fatigue. In the future, the continuation of the effect of the damaging factor in the area of localization of MK develop dystrophic and necrotic changes in the myofibrils at the level of the cell, fiber or bundle of fibers, accompanied by the appearance or enhancement of IFB. Then necrotic myofibrils are lysed, and the process of replacing them with parts of the connective tissue inside the remaining cell wall begins. Perhaps the progression of the disease with the involvement of new myofibrils, contractures occur in other areas of the same and other muscles.

The development of the cicatricial process in the thickness of the muscle causes extravascular compression of the blood vessels, leading initially to chronic disturbance of the organ circulation, or during the development of tension – to an acute infarction of a significant part of the muscle tissue, which aggravates the course of the disease and provokes pain. When a nerve is compressed in the thickness of the affected muscle, the pain syndrome increases.

Thus, there are many unresolved and controversial issues in the study of the etiopathogenesis of SMFPs. The pediatric aspect of this problem is particularly important to consider, since it can be key in developing a set of preventive measures, early diagnosis of the initial manifestations of the disease and timely and adequate etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy aimed at preventing the process from becoming chronic, reducing the frequency and severity of manifestations of the disease in adults.

« Dr Ulzibat repeatedly expressed his opinion that the leading cause in the occurrence of chronic and acute pain syndrome is the local dystrophic process of connective tissue, leading to necrosis and the development of scar tissue at the site of necrosis. Therefore, the effectiveness of a particular method of relieving pain depends mainly on what stage of the pathological process it started: in the initial stage – the « loose » scar (functional, muscular-tonic, algic) – any of the above methods may result to the weakening and disappearance of the pain syndrome due to the improvement of the microcirculation of the affected muscle area, and with continued scarring (aging), conservative methods are not very promising [6].

This cicatricial process in skeletal muscles leads to the development of a variety of fibrous contractures, hidden and obvious.

They stimulate the development of movement disorders and the formation of antalgic postures in the patient. The more cicatricial changes and, consequently, the rougher the contracture, the more pronounced the pain syndrome. »

Part 2:

In this part : they did analysis of method in one small Russian city (only 59 patients in 2 day operation )


Цой Е.В., Бударин В.И., Репетунов А.А., Ульзибат Б.В.



In his work we throuhgoutly analysis the contingent of patients which came for treatment to ZAO “Institute of  Clinical Rehabilitology” on preoperational and other stages of operative treatment by the method used in our institute- gradual  fibrotomy. As an object of the research we chose a group of children from one region- the Naberezhnie Chelni (Tatarstan republic).

We proved that the method – gradual fibrotomy is a method of choice for this category of patients, used in ambulatory-outpatient conditions.

In order to objectify the level of effectiveness of the medical methods of the Institute of Clinical Rehabilitation, it was decided to characterize in detail the contingent of patients who applied for the preoperative and subsequent stages of surgical treatment. A group of children suffering from « cerebral palsy » from one region, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, was selected as the object of study. This made it possible to avoid difficulties in processing information about patients due to the presence of a unified methodological approach to a patient with cerebral palsy within the same territory.

All children who applied for specialized orthopedic care were examined by a full-time orthopedic surgeon and a children’s neurologist at the institute, and extracts from the children’s development histories provided by the neurologists and orthopedic surgeons of Naberezhnye Chelny were analyzed; interviews were held with parents in order to clarify details of the history of life and illness, which are not reflected in the extracts; timeliness, volume, continuity, efficiency of treatment received by each child in the system of rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy were evaluated [13].

33 boys and 26 girls applied to the institute, 57 of them – for the first time, 2 – again.

33 boys and 26 girls applied to the institute, 57 of them – for the first time, 2 – again.

The age distribution is as follows: 1 – 3 years – 4; 4 – 7 years – 30; 8-10 years old – 14;

11-15 years old – 8; over 15 years old – 3.

At the time of inspection, the clinical signs of tetraparesis were observed in 30 people, hemiparesis – in 7 children, lower spastic paraparesis – in 8 children, the hyperkinetic form was diagnosed in 12 patients, the atonic-astatic form – in 2 children.

These data are presented in table №1.

Table number 1. Distribution of children with cerebral palsy by degrees

movement disorders:

Severe motor impairment was found in 37 (62.7%) children, moderate severity – in 22 (37.3%) children, patients with mild lesions were not. In the subgroup of premature babies, the lesions of a severe degree are determined 2 times more often than moderate ones, in the group of full-term babies the ratio is 1: 1. In 88% of cases there was a bilateral lesion of the muscles of the limbs, torso, face (see table number 2).

Examination of all children in all motor segments and in all muscle groups revealed local zones of consolidation, and palpation of these areas with the most pronounced induration was accompanied by pain. We found the greatest pain in the muscles of the face (temporal and chewing), shoulder girdle, waist and feet [12], [21].

We regard these seals as a manifestation of overt and hidden cicatricial contractures located deep in the skeletal muscles [22].

In addition to the obvious signs of motor impairment, the conclusions of leading experts of Tatarstan in 24 children noted a delay in the intellectual development of varying degrees.

Due to the short duration of the stay of children in the hospital for one day, we did not conduct an in-depth study of higher mental functions. But, based on the organic relationship and interdependence of emotional and cognitive processes as the most important areas of the psyche of children [1], [2], [4], [7], [8], [10], [14], [24], [27], and considering emotions as a psychosomatic phenomenon [7], [8] we decided to pay more attention to assessing the state of the emotional sphere. At the same time, we proceeded from the concept that with difficult speech contact, the analysis of the emotional profile can serve as an objective indicator of the child’s mental development [4], [7], [8], [10], [24], [27]. When assessing emotional and behavioral reactions, we took into account the characteristics of age psychology, psychological characteristics of sick children, the main characteristics of temperament as a set of innate properties of the individual psyche: the prevailing mood background, the level of adaptability and accessibility, the threshold level, the intensity and stability of these reactions, the level of activity. The microsocial background, previous life experience of each child (including the experience of treatment) and the presence of the syndrome of chronic myofascial pain, causing depressive states [5], [6] were also taken into account.

The emotions shown by the patients of this contingent during the contact (speech, gestures, mimic, mixed) covered the maximum possible spectrum, were individually-evaluative in nature and were quite complex, differentiated. The reaction of the children to the new environment, new people, the situation, orthopedic and neurological examination, local pain during palpation of the muscles was adequate.

Delayed speech development was observed in 24 children, alalia – in 3 children, dysarthria – in 14. Many children had the so-called combined syndromes [1], [2], [14], [17]: convulsive – 21 children, hydrocephalic – 6 children, visual impairment in the form of refractive errors – 33 people, Å, squint – 30, 11 children had a lack of weight and height.

According to the available information obtained in an interview with parents and confirmed by data from outpatient developmental cards of children, 22 mothers of children with cerebral palsy had a burdened obstetric history (preterm birth, miscarriage, abortion, infertility). Five mothers and nine fathers had occupational hazards at the time of conception, one mother and five fathers suffered from chronic diseases. In three children, heredity of cerebral palsy was burdened by the father and mother. 23 children were born from the first birth, 36 – from repeated. In 43 cases our patients have healthy brothers and (or) sisters, in 33 cases they are older than a sick child, in 10 cases they are younger. In 16 families, the sick child is the only one.

In the history of 7 mothers, there were indications of the threat of termination of this pregnancy, acute infectious diseases – in 9 in the first half of pregnancy, in 6 – in the second half of pregnancy, early toxicosis – in 8, toxicosis of the second half (dropsy, nephropathy) – in 7 , anemia – in 11. Ten women during pregnancy was prosperous.

Premature birth occurred in 37 cases (62.7%), 18 (30.5%) children were born full-term, 4 (6.8%) were post-mortem, 5 (8.5%) children had a mass deficit in terms of gestation. Twenty children were born in gestational age of 26-31 weeks, 12 children were born in the period of 32-34 weeks, 5 – in the period of 35-37 weeks (classification of the degree of prematurity by gestational age) [25].

Table number 3. Distribution of children with cerebral palsy by severity

motor disorders depending on the period


T – severe, C – moderate.

57 women had independent births (of which 6 were swift), and 2 women were operational. 50 children were born in headache presentation, 7 – in the buttock, 2 – in the sheath & ## 1086; m. There were five children from multiple pregnancies (three of the dizygotic twins, two of the monozygous twins). Of the three dizygotic twin pairs, three children are our patients (one of them has a hyperkinetic form of moderate severity, the second has a moderately severe tetraparesis, and the third has a lower spastic paraparesis of moderate severity); of the remaining three children, one is healthy, one died antenatally, one died on the first day of life. Two boys from monozygous twins are sick: the first one shows signs of severe tetraparesis, the second one has lower spastic paraparesis.

Nine women were given birthstimulation due to the weakness of labor, five indicate the fact of squeezing of the fetus, seven had a long, dry period. 57 (96.6%) children had signs of asphyxia at birth [26]. Seven were given artificial lung ventilation (4 of them show signs of severe tetraparesis and 1 – hemiparesis of moderate severity, in 2 – a hyperkinetic form of severe and moderate degree). In 3 children, the cord was entwined around the neck, and in 2 children, cephalhematoma was detected. Two children after birth received treatment for hemolytic disease of the newborn, incompatibility according to the Rh factor (in 1 – severe tetraparesis, in 1 – hyperkinetic form of moderate severity). At discharge from the neonatal pathology department, 18 children were diagnosed with intrauterine or atelectatic pneumonia, 28 were diagnosed with CNS birth trauma, 6 children had a combination of these diagnoses.

Cerebral palsy was diagnosed in the first year of life for 25 children (10 in the first half of the year, 15 in the second); in the second year of life – 23, in the third – 6, in the fourth – 5.

Conservative therapy, including drug treatment, massage, therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapy, reflexology, gypsum and other methods [19], started before 1 year 39 (66.1%) for children (up to 6 months – 29, from 6 to 12 months – 10), from 1 year to 2 years – 17 (28.8%), from 2 to 3 years – three (5.1%). Of the 39 children who underwent complex conservative therapy in the first year of life, 26 children (two thirds), however, at the time of admission to the institute, have signs of severe motor impairment: in 15 – by the type of tetraparesis, in 3 – hemiparesis, in 1 – lower spastic paraparesis, in 7 children – hyperkinetic form. The moderate degree of damage in 13 children: by the type of tetraparesis – in 5, hemiparesis – in 2, lower spastic paraparesis – in 2, hyperkinetic form – 2, atonic – astatic form in 2.

Of the 17 children who received treatment in the second year of life, 9 had severe motor disturbances (6 had tetraparesis, 3 had a hyperkinetic form), 8 had moderate ones (3 had tetraparesis, 4 had lower spastic paraparesis, 1 had – hemiparesis). Of the three who started treatment at 3, in 1 – severe tetraparesis, in 2 – moderate lower spastic paraparesis. From birth, 15 (25.4%) children are continuously treated, of which 10 (two-thirds) at the time of the examination have a severe degree of lesion, and 5 have a moderate degree.

Comprehensive conservative treatment all children received at an early age almost continuously, at a higher age courses, at least 1 time in 3-6 months.

It is interesting that in four of the 11 children with a history of episyndrome, his debut is associated with receiving injections of cerebrolysin, in 1 child the first convulsive seizure developed at the time of electrophoresis. In 1 boy with severe tetraparesis, convulsions were provoked by massage and therapeutic exercises. In patients with hyperkinetic form, stimulating development of the central nervous system, pharmacotherapy, electric, mud, balneal, and reflexotherapy lead to an increase in hyperkinesis during the treatment period, according to the parents of our patients.

All enrolled children had the desire to move, but out of 59 children, only 20 walk independently with moderate lesions and hemiparesis, and in all cases the gait is defective due to persistent contractures and deformities, 10 children have support and 9 children move on their knees, 8 children crawl on all fours, six children with the commenced and actively pursued complex therapy have mastered only crawling on the stomach, six do not move at all.

All children have multiple overt and covert muscle contractures resulting in fixed contractures of the joints: shoulder, elbow, wrist, metacarpophalangeal, hip, knee, ankle; deformations of feet.

Here’s how parents themselves evaluate the effectiveness of conservative treatment of their children: parents of 16 children expose the “no effect” assessment, parents of 43 children consider ineffective the conservative therapy.

Parents of 12 of 59 children completely abandoned conservative therapy due to its low effectiveness in correcting the existing severe deformities of the joints. Other parents, refusing pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy, resorted to the services of manual therapists, massage therapists, reflex therapists, homeopaths, who promised to consolidate the motor stereotype that was formed.

2 boys reapplied. Kostya S. for 4.5 years, (case history No. 3070), with signs of lower spastic paraparesis of moderate severity – for the 4th stage of surgical treatment.

Kostya S. first entered the institute in May 1994 at the age of 1 year and 9 months, when the boy himself sat uncertainly, did not stand up, did not stand, was disturbed by a pronounced crossing of the lower extremities, relying on the front sections of the feet, the absence of phrasal speech and pronounced drooling. The therapy carried out since birth (medical, therapeutic exercises, massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, the use of the Adele medical suit) gave a temporary effect. After stage 1 of the operative treatment, the boy began to sit well, the range of movements in the hip and ankle joints increased, phrasal speech appeared, drooling disappeared after micro-operations on the chewing and temporal muscles. After stage 2 (September 1994) the boy began to get up on his own, walk at the support and with support for 2 two hands, after stage 3 (December 1995) – walks with support for 1 arm and takes the first independent steps.

Daniel B., 8 years old (case history No. 6654) entered the 2nd stage of treatment. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Double hemiplegia, severe. Delayed intellectual development. Alalia Episindrom. Hypotrophy. This patient of our patient had much more in accordance with the clinical diagnosis at admission, and the goal of surgical treatment, pursued by parents-doctors when applying to the institute, was more modest than in the 1st case: relief of patient care and reduction of pain . Combined therapy (massage, gymnastics, pharmacotherapy, acupuncture, laser puncture, microwave resonance therapy, homeopathic remedies), carried out systematically since 4 months, had no effect. The main complaints on admission to the 1st stage of treatment (August 1996): severe anxiety, deep delay in motor and intellectual development, lack of active speech, significant limitation of passive and active movements in all joints of the upper and lower extremities, impaired hand manipulative function (lack finger grip), a violation of chewing, swallowing, salivation, poor sleep, restless sleep. After the 1st stage, the boy became calmer, sleep returned to normal, the range of movements in the shoulder, hip, knee joints increased, the manipulative function of the hand improved (finger grasp appeared), the mobility of the tongue increased, the chewing, swallowing, and salivation decreased.

In June, the 2nd stage of treatment was received on the recommendation of doctors from Naberezhnye Chelny, who observed our patients in the early postoperative period, 7 children from those operated on in January-February 1997: 5 with severe tetraparesis, 2 with severe and moderate hyperkynetic form degree. The results of the 1st stage are positive: 5 of 7 children have a transition to a new level of motor development [17]. All children increased the volume of movements in the operated limb segments.

Here is a reflection of the dynamics of symptoms after the 1st stage of treatment according to the method of V. B. Ulzibat in each of 7 children [20].

Elvira M., 7 years old (case history No. 7039). Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Double hemiplegia, severe. Hyperkinetic syndrome. Dysarthria. Effects of the 1st stage: reduction of shoulder, hip, ankle joint contractures, improvement of speech.

Andrei O., 7 years old (case history No. 7042). Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Double hemiplegia, severe. Delayed intellectual and speech development. Pseudobulbar syndrome. Episindrom. Effects: reduction of shoulder, hip, knee, ankle joint contractures; the boy learned to stand up without support, began to crawl confidently on his knees, the manipulative function of the brush, posture improved, interest in games appeared; speech and chewing – without dynamics.

Anatoly R., 11 years old (case history No. 7043). Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Double hemiplegia, severe. Hyperkinetic syndrome. Dysarthria. Effects: reduction of shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle joint contractures; He began to sit himself, began to change his posture during wakefulness and in a dream, without help, his speech became more intelligible, his chewing and handwriting improved.

Vyacheslav I., 11 years old (case history No. 7045). Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Double hemiplegia, severe. Effects: contractures of the shoulders, elbows, hip, knee joints have decreased, they began to stand without support, take the first independent steps, their mood improved, the feeling of fear disappeared.

Roman Sh., 7 years old (case history No. 7041). Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Double hemiplegia, severe. Dysarthria. Effects: contractures of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee joints have decreased, began to crawl on all fours, began to sit without support, active movements appeared in the right hand, decreased fear of falling, loneliness, improved speech, chewing, decreased strabismus and severity of foot clones.

Volodya F., 10 years old (case history No. 7173). Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Hyperkinetic form, moderate. Dysarthria. Effects: decreased severity of torticollis, improved speech, decreased amplitude and severity of nystagmus.

Gulya S., 5 years old (case history No. 7331). Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Double hemiplegia, severe. Episindrom. Effects: contractions of the elbow, hip, knee, ankle joints have decreased, the girl began to sit herself, the manipulative function of the hands has improved.


According to our data, in most cases, conservative therapy conducted for children from Tatarstan complied with the principles of early onset, phasing, continuity, continuity, complexity and completeness of the volume of rehabilitation measures [3], [13], [14], [19].

In all patients of this group, we identified the syndrome of musculo-fascial pain in the standard points [23], corresponding to the localization of scars in the muscles [12]. At these points, all children showed combined polysegmental fixed contractures, both explicit and implicit, causing the development of motor disorders of varying severity [21].

These movement disorders are not hereditary [19]. With the manifestation of cerebral palsy in monozygous and dizygotic twins, one can recognize the presence of a genetic predisposition to the development of intrauterine pathology [9], [11].

The pathological systemic process that began in the antenatal period in most patients and led to the development of severe movement disorders is one of the causes of miscarriage and premature birth, being a variant of the immunological incompatibility of the mother and fetus tissues [25]. The predominance of severe forms of motor impairment in premature babies is also explained by the peculiarities of their microvasculature functioning in ontogenesis with the development of primary functional heart failure [15], [28], hypovolemia of the large circulation, hypoperfusion of organs and tissues, including skeletal muscles.

The pathology of the antenatal period revealed in a large percentage of cases (83% of cases showed a complicated course of pregnancy) ultimately leads to centralization of fetal blood circulation [3], which is aggravated during labor, leads to hypoperfusion of organs and tissues, especially those not included in vital. One of these tissues is muscular tissue, which constitutes 23-25% of the whole body weight in full-term newborns [24].

We consider one of the reasons for the development of asphyxia in newborns (96.6% of children) to congenital damage to the muscles involved in the act of breathing (diaphragm, intercostal, spinal), which differentiate during ontogenesis among the first [24]. The development of the degenerative-dystrophic process in these muscles by the time of birth is quite pronounced. This prevents the timely inclusion of the respiratory muscles in the work during the first breath and hinders its optimal functioning in the postnatal period.

The formation of muscle contractures is the inevitable outcome of congenital « myofibrillosis » [12], the difference in different children consists only in the severity of the process and the rate of its progression. « With an unfavorable course of the disease by 5-6 months -1 year, with a favorable one – by 3-5 years … … most children with cerebral palsy develop persistent contractures and deformities in the joints of the limbs » [17].

Children with severe forms of the disease constitute a risk group for the early formation of muscle contractures and need the advice of specialists from the Institute of Clinical Rehabilitation, with a view to deciding on the surgical treatment using a step-by-step fibrotomy.


In children of the studied group admitted to the 1st stage of treatment at the institute, there is an intrauterine onset of the pathological condition expressed in the appearance of movement disorders, regarded as a manifestation of cerebral palsy.

With the advent of hidden and overt contractures, the effect of complex conservative therapy is, at best, temporary, often absent. Its low effectiveness is due to the presence of a diffuse cicatricial process in the muscles, and cicatricial tissue becomes less stretchable with age, and motor impairment progresses.

The very concept of the effectiveness of conservative therapy involves an element of conditionality and relativity, since the development of motor skills in every patient with cerebral palsy is ultimately determined by a certain “threshold” of opportunities, which depends only on the ability of the preserved structures to compensate for the functions of the dead and damaged. Successful conservative treatment affects the pace of approaching this « threshold », allows you to stay within the achieved level of motor development, which can be exceeded only by eliminating contractures and deformities of the joints by surgery.

Already at an early stage in the development of contractures, these children need their adequate orthopedic correction followed by therapeutic gymnastics, massage, hydraulic procedures, etc. Method of phased fibrotomy in Ulzibat VB allows this to be done [20].

“Large” orthopedic operations are relatively or absolutely contraindicated to more than half of the children who applied to the Institute of Clinical Rehabilitation for a number of indicators: multiplicity and severe degree of contracture of the joints, lesion in the form of tetraparesis, hyperkinetic form, lack of persistent, well-marked adjusting straightening reflexes, the presence of deep intellectual delay and speech development, etc. [16]. That is why the method of phased fibrotomy is the method of choice for this category of patients, used in outpatient conditions.

Intervention at the stage of appearance of muscle contractures is optimal, as persistent contractures and deformities of the joints require more traumatic operations and inpatient treatment.

Evaluation of the emotional profile of a sick child has important diagnostic and prognostic value when using a surgical method of treatment.

« Therapy started as early as possible gives the maximum effect » [17]. This fully applies to the stepwise fibrotomy method.

We do not claim the exceptional role of the method of phased fibrotomy in the treatment of patients with cerebral palsy, but we believe that its place in the general system of rehabilitation measures should be determined.

So what is the difference between :

Percs?? (dr Matthew Dobbs)

for muscle/tendon lengthening to relieve contracture (limited motion) in joints.

I honestly can’t find good full scientific description yes I wish to read ….in order to understand this operation …. don’t understand haw to compare without theory and scientific explanation…..

I read all I have found so I can’t figure out diference between ??????

Splm = dr Nuzzo opération ( not enough scientific publications as well for me ) Haw ulzibat method is different from SPLM dr Nuzzo method from USA ? Not sure haw to answer…..

Here study of SPLM dr Nuzzo operation ( yes clinical study exist):


(( I am Russian so I can see ulzibat publications in Russian about his method)

Here you can see about Splm :

( so explain me the diference?)


I know this Ulzibat methode and Dr. Nuzzo Splm looks for me very much the same!

I am just a mother 😉

But I see that both methods are very similar and was started in 1987 ulzibat ( had his patent in URSS yet) as Nuzzo started in the 70‘ies. I think he did it first and Ulzibat modified the technique….( only my reflection)


Ulzibat ( publications only in Russian it’s ok for me but as I promised hire I translated just a small part ….

If you want to know about Ulzibat watch this as well :

(A lot of tv news in Russia and a lot of testimonials from parents)





On russian tv in news ( Ulzibat methode 60 opérations in 3 days in habarovsk) yes come from Tula to habarovsk and team did 60 operations in 3 days for children’s with Cp….


So honestly I think it’s very serious method in Russia ( all in order legally) with patents for method and equipment :

Hire dr Ulzibat dissertation published for his method :


Hire one of patents :

So no it’s obviously not taken off «completely » spasticity …no it’s orthopedic operation it’s relive scar tissue at the site of necrosis only ( it’s not cutting mussels it’s only very small scar tissue)

This video explain : https://youtu.be/n4d_WFw0GdA

And if we talking about laws and legality to do this method:

During 1998 in the leading clinics of the country:

– Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov;

– Department of Pediatric Surgery, Russian State Medical University;

– Department of Cerebral Palsy of the Russian Research Children’s Orthopedic Institute named after G.I. Turner

a clinical demonstration of the method and medical tests of a special surgical instrument – Microfibrillot, which is used to carry out a complex of low-impact operations. ”

And further: “After the demonstration of the method to a representative of the Russian Research Children’s Orthopedic Institute. GI, Turner, Head of the Department of Surgery for Cerebral Palsy, Ph.D. A.P. Kutuzov in Tula held a demonstration of the method at the very base of this institute.

In conclusion, the director of the institute, MD. prof. Yu.I. Pozdnikina noted that the use of new surgical technology should be made as early as possible, the interventions performed are adequate, effective, can be performed on an outpatient basis by trained specialists.

In a letter to the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation V.I. Starodubova Professor Yu.I. Pozdnikin proposed the creation of an extrabudgetary research team with our non-state health care facilities to conduct joint research and develop a number of provisions that can be used both in the practice of the institute and for the introduction of methods into Russian medical institutions, thereby taking part in the development and improvement of outpatient orthopedic care. children in order to implement the provisions of the “Concept of development of health care and medical science in the Russian Federation”.

Dissertation of dr Nasarov ( one of doctors which was teached by Ulzibat)


in fact Ulzibat wasn’t the only surgeon to operate with his method he teached 5 others Russian doctors and they are not all waiting in Tula when all Russian cp children’s comes to them , they are doing external operations -so going in local hospital in diferent cuties in regions of Russia and yes doing 60-100 operations in 3-4 days ….

But honestly for CP problem is not in mussels

Or even not in spinal connections ( but yes if child suffer from pain what we have to do ?

To relise his pain….. and obviously – choise of what is the best to do is on parents and it’s will depends of level of haw child is affected by CP …and in what way….)

Cp Problem is in Brain !!!! But we all know it ….

So all I know which can helps Brain it’s 3 things:

1) It’s hbot (Hyperbare) and we have a lot really a lot scientific publications haw it can help :

Just try to watch this Israel’s Professor presentation :

Video is in English do listen it:


( need read more about Hyperbare ask me I give you more on my blog to read)

2) it’s PoNS Device (PoNS is a device for translingual electrical stimulation of the brain that enhances the brain’s natural ability to repair damaged areas and form new functional pathways.)

Need more – again ask me 😉


3) it’s stem cells

But it’s in clinical trails in Duke University but progress is real you can see it on Duke parents fb page…. and yes we also gave scientific publications from Joanne Kurtzberg, MD

Director, Carolinas Cord Blood Bank

Chief Scientific Officer, Robertson Clinical and Translational Cell Therapy Program

Director, Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Program