My friend Amit Sokolov gave me permission to publish his survey on my blog .
So he is a father to a 2 years old boy with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and in order to better learn about non conventional treatments that may help his son he created good survey.
So naw it’s time to publish results : ( with his permission) but if somebody wants to use his pdf results for their own publications please contact me first.
In this presentation he summarize the answers from the Data collection survey to CP caregivers (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QTHLL56).
• The answers were filled subjectively by caregivers (i.e. parents or family members) based on their own opinion. Satisfaction reported here may be accounted to effects such as placebo, CP patient growth, relation to the treating personnel or other concurrent treatments. Changes may be also be related to specific patient condition, beneficial for one patient and less for others.
• Additional sources for bias may be the population answering the survey, filling it in different time from therapy, subjective cultural differences and different therapist/clinics.
• Therefore this report must not be referred to as a scientific or medical summary. It is solely an internet satisfaction survey summary.
in order to read results : I put them as pictures for blog ( but it’s possible to get them in pdf format)
His survey methodologically collected informations about treatments for CP. As this survey is based on subjective uncontrolled information, it’s not official scientific research.
Thank you all who did help and answered his survey :
Link to the survey: