The live chat 31 July about the clinical trials, future research, and treatments with cord blood in Russia

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Dr. Olga Tyumina is the President of Ruscord, a non-profit organization of specialists and organizations in the field of procurement, storage and use of umbilical cord blood and cellular technologies. Dr. Tyumina is a prominent doctor in medical sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored health worker in the Samara Region (Russia), and the Director of the Samara Regional Medical Center, Dynasty. She is the author of 120 publications and holds multiple patents, registered computer programs and monographs.

Dr. Stanislav Volchkov is the Deputy Director of the Samara Regional Medical Center, Dynasty, the Executive Director of the non-profit Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Registry, Expert of the Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, Founder of the Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmacology Inbiopharma, LLC, and is a certified designee for biomedical cellular products acquired by Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In this live chat we will discuss the clinical trials, future research, and treatments currently provided at the Center of Cellular Technologies in Samara (Russia) using donor cord-blood transfusions and other stem cell therapies for the treatment of Autism, Cerebral Palsy and other developmental disorders.

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