Galileo : Galileo | Side Alternating Vibration
We had bad experience about…. sorry
In 2020 it was big pose ( because of Covid) and we decided as we can’t travel we bought Galileo plate…
In july 2020 I think somthing like that ( I don’t remember exactly date ) we didn’t use it a lot before our travel to center BrainMoove (end July 1 week ) but after our reteurn – Every day Galileo end August and September….
And Marc did stoped walking in October! And he was complaining about pain at same time yes he fall at school ( but finally naw with time I know it was Galileo plate – not the fall responsible)….
also just to add about Galileo plate ( my son good walker was using about 1 month a bit more …may be but in beginning of October … he stoped Walking and complained about pain ! We did radios and a lot of consultations and foud that his legs become much more stiffer than before ( why ? What the reason of spasticity just augmented so quickly and enormously?)
I was searching a lot it happened last year ) so I foud yes it could damage as well ( in standing position) he had pain in tibias posterior! – And guess what Dr Nuzzo will be operating him during splm? – on tibias posterior…. It’s augmented his stiffness enormously honestly – it took me 2 weeks intensive PT that he just restart to walking ( not as well as before) and about 3 months training that he approximately achieve his previous Level ( before starting Galileo) so it was our very bad experience – Galileo honestly…. He still didn’t achieve same level on stairs as before Galileo – so it’s one of mistakes I did and it was ours bad experience )….
“More significant adverse effects have also been reported including hip (Crewther et al., 2004) and knee pain Russo et al., 2003), and discomfort from the vibration induced head motion (Crewther et al., 2004). One study (Cronin, Oliver & McNair, 2004) reported participants to complain of pain in the jaw, neck, and the lower extremity (particularly in the tibialis posterior). The pain required physiotherapy treatment in some participants and took seven to ten days to subside.”
While it is known that Ia afferents inhibit motor neurons to the antagonistic muscle (Mester et al. 1999), vibration also induces a tonic vibration reflex (TVR) and increases muscle stiffness (Cronin et al. 2004;Mester et al. 1999).
« Researchers at Lyndhurst Centre caution that Whole Body Vibration may elicit inner ear troubles, dizziness, headache, lower-limb spasticity, fracture (especially among those with severe osteoporosis), and/or hardware loosening (plates or screws as a result of surgery).(20) »
July 2020 – 1 weeksGyrostim and neroplasticity brain center training 3h per day
so studies when it can cause problems:
1)“More significant adverse effects have also been reported including hip (Crewther et al., 2004) and knee pain Russo et al., 2003), and discomfort from the vibration induced head motion (Crewther et al., 2004). One study (Cronin, Oliver & McNair, 2004) reported participants to complain of pain in the jaw, neck, and the lower extremity (particularly in the tibialis posterior). The pain required physiotherapy treatment in some participants and took seven to ten days to subside.”
While it is known that Ia afferents inhibit motor neurons to the antagonistic muscle (Mester et al. 1999), vibration also induces a tonic vibration reflex (TVR) and increases muscle stiffness (Cronin et al. 2004;Mester et al. 1999).
2)« Researchers at Lyndhurst Centre caution that Whole Body Vibration may elicit inner ear troubles, dizziness, headache, lower-limb spasticity, fracture (especially among those with severe osteoporosis), and/or hardware loosening (plates or screws as a result of surgery).(20) »
3)Cardiovascular Stress Induced by Whole-Body Vibration Exercise in Individuals With Chronic Stroke :
Normalement ils avez même pas le droit de nous vendre Galileo a cause que Marc a au aret cardiaque ….a 4 ans
4) this study showed that application of WBV to chronic stroke patients was not helpful for improving their immediate balance ability. The adverse effects of WBV have been reported in previous studies:
Whole body vibration may have immediate adverse effects on the postural sway of stroke patients
but hère good studies about :
Dernière étude 2019: The immediate influence of various whole-body vibration frequency on balance and walking ability in children with cerebral palsy: a pilot study:
Autres études ( il y a beaucoup)
« Le WBVT fourni par Galileo plate est caractérisé par des mouvements de bascule qui stimulent un modèle de mouvement similaire à la démarche humaine. Celles-ci entraînent l’activation de circuits vertébraux propriétaires-réceptifs, conduisant ainsi à des contractions musculaires rythmiques compensatoires dans les membres inférieurs et le tronc. Nos participants ont non seulement affiché des améliorations de la masse musculaire, mais également des améliorations de la teneur en minéraux osseux et de la densité allant de 1 à 5%. L’augmentation de la masse osseuse était probablement due à l’effet de l’action musculaire sur l’os pendant le WBVT, combiné aux effets de l’amélioration de la mobilité observée. Ainsi, nos résultats cadrent bien avec la théorie du mécanostat, dans laquelle la charge mécanique (dans ce cas, les contractions musculaires générées par la plate-forme de vibration et l’amélioration de la mobilité) a entraîné des effets positifs sur les os, tels qu’une augmentation de la masse osseuse. Notez que nos résultats étaient similaires à ceux observés par Stark et al. après 6 mois de thérapie combinée dans un groupe de 78 enfants atteints de GMFCS I à V, qui ont rapporté respectivement une augmentation de 2,3% et 5,7% de la densité et de la teneur totale en minéraux osseux. Cependant, leur intervention impliquait non seulement le WBVT, mais aussi d’autres formes de physiothérapie, de musculation et d’entraînement sur tapis roulant, ce qui rendait impossible l’identification des effets spécifiques du WBVT. Néanmoins, Wren et al. ont examiné l’impact de l’entraînement quotidien aux vibrations seul sur la santé osseuse des enfants atteints de PC âgés de 6 à 12 ans, observant des améliorations de la zone osseuse corticale par rapport à un régime de simplement se tenir debout sur le sol8.
Alinker: ( vélo – debout) pour marcher ( Marc manque encore 2 cm longueur des jambes)