It’s exist study for Splm 😉
And video :
« 68 (SPML) and functional physiotherapy are an alternative to traditional open surgical lengthening and 70 physiotherapy respectively, for improving functional mobility in children with CP that have muscle
contractures and stiffness (Mansour et al2017; Mitsiokapa et al., 2010).
Here study of SPLM dr Nuzzo operation ( yes clinical study exist):
As well as study for « Improving gait and lower-limb muscle strength in children with cerebral palsy following selective percutaneous myofascial lengthening and functional physiotherapy »
What is the difference between SPLM and Microfibrilotomy or Ulzibat methode? I don’t know honestly it’s looks very similar but I am not orthopedic surgeon ok?
More about Microfibrilotomy or Ulzibat methode you can find in this article :