Hbot Emelynn story

In this article i will tell you about this small girl:

Emelynn. She had near drowning accident at 18-month-old. And she is one of “Hbot miraculous healing “….

I post the exact words of Dorothy Mae Davis mother of Emelynn:

“I’m going to try to keep this as short and to the point as possible. Not that I dont want to talk about it, I just don’t want to overwhelm anyone with a long post so please feel free to ask any questions, anytime. My daughter Emelynn nearly drowned last summer in our pool. It was warm water (June in Arizona). As far as we can tell she was down upwards of 10 minutes. Another 10-15 minutes or so of CPR. Her heart and lungs were strong from the beginning. Her MRI showed « moderate global injury ». She was also blind for about 5 weeks due to CVI. We were in the hospital and inpatient rehab a total of 7 weeks. Started HBOT right after coming home. We have done 40 dives at 1.3 and 20 more at 1.5. After the first 40 dives a new MRI showed « mild intermittent atrophy ». We were told she would « never walk, may learn a few words over her lifetime and probably be able to follow a few simple commands. That she would be wheelchair bound and spend most of her time spaced out and not able to interact with people around her. Her life expectancy was 30 years with excellent care. » She was also on 5 seizure meds. We are a little over 1 year out from her accident and while her speech is still delayed and her coordination is still off, she walks, talks, feeds herself, bathes herself (with instruction) and helps dress herself. We weaned off all meds and onto CBD oil and eventually off of that too. Our nuerologist is an atheist and does not believe in « miracles » but when asked what he thought of her, he said « all I can say is that she is a miracle. ». He does not believe that HBOT or CBD had anything to do with her recovery, that it was her body naturally healing itself. Whatever he chooses to beleive is fine with me, because I know that HBOt saved my baby and God carried us through. This video was taken a couple of weeks before the 1 year anniversary of her drowning on June 10, 2017. In the comments I will link to the news story a local paper did on us if you want to read it. Please feel free to ask any questions. I would not have made it this far without amazing people like Kristal Carlson (Eden’s mother) who answered (and still does) my many questions. I hope my miracle baby inspires you all and that you all have great results if you choose to go with HBOT. 💜💋🇺🇸”

And on link article published about this family:


Je veux vous parler histoire de cet fille de usa : Emelynn et hbot. Sa maman Dorothy Mae Davis m’a donné permission de poster son vidéo pour que en france aussi les parents se réveil et se rendre compte que hbot peut rehalment aider ici le cas anoxie cérébrale est est presque noyé à l’âge de 18 mois….

Ici traduction en français : ( directement poste de sa maman sur page de mon fils donc c’est exactement ses paroles pas les miennes) 🙂

« Je vais essayer de garder cela aussi court et précis que possible. Ce n’est pas que je ne veux pas en parler, je ne veux pas submerger quelqu’un avec un long post alors n’hésitez pas à poser des questions, à tout moment. Ma fille Emelynn s’est presque noyée l’été dernier dans notre piscine. C’était de l’eau chaude (juin en Arizona). Pour autant que nous puissions dire qu’elle était dans l’eau 10 minutes. Encore 10-15 minutes de RCR. Son cœur et ses poumons étaient en arêtes dès le début. Son IRM a montré « une lésion globale modérée ». Elle était également aveugle pendant environ 5 semaines en raison de CVI. Nous étions à l’hôpital et en cure médicales pour un total de 7 semaines. Commencé HBOT juste après être rentré à la maison. Nous avons fait 40 plongées à 1,3 ata et 20 de plus à 1,5ata Après les 40 premières plongées, une nouvelle IRM a montré une « légère atrophie intermittente ». On nous a dit a l’hôpital qu’elle «ne marcherait jamais, qu’elle apprendrait peut-être quelques mots au cours de sa vie et qu’elle serait probablement capable de suivre quelques commandes simples qu’elle serait en fauteuil roulant et qu’elle passerait le plus clair de son temps à ne pas pouvoir interagir avec les autres. Son espérance de vie était de 30 ans avec d’excellents soins.  » Elle était également sur 5 médicaments. Nous sommes à un peu plus d’un an de son accident et alors que son discours est toujours retardé et sa coordination est toujours éteinte, elle se promène, parle, se nourrit, se baigne (avec instruction) et aide à s’habiller. Nous nous sommes sevrés tous les médicaments et sur l’huile de CBD et finalement hors de cela aussi. Notre nuerologue est athée et ne croit pas aux « miracles » mais quand on lui demande ce qu’il pense d’elle, il dit « tout ce que je peux dire, c’est qu’elle est un miracle ». Il ne croit pas que l’OHB ou le CBD ait quelque chose à voir avec son rétablissement, que c’est son corps qui se guérit naturellement. Tout ce qu’il choisit de croire est bon pour moi, parce que je sais que HBOt a sauvé mon bébé et que Dieu nous a transportés. Cette vidéo a été prise quelques semaines avant le premier anniversaire de sa noyade le 10 juin 2017. Dans les commentaires, je post un reportage local qu’un journal local a fait sur nous si vous voulez le lire. N’hésitez pas à poser des questions. Je ne l’aurais pas fait jusqu’ici sans des gens extraordinaires comme Kristal Carlson (la mère d’Eden) qui a répondu (et continue de le faire) à mes nombreuses questions. J’espère que mon miracle bébé vous inspire tous et que vous avez tous d’excellents résultats si vous choisissez d’aller avec HBOT. 💜💋🇺🇸 »

Et ici article en anglais pour cet fille:

Et ici groupe français de mon fils:

Et group anglophone pour quelqu’un qui intéressée ( on a les professionnels et MD de hbot dans cet groupe donc vous pouvez avoir leur réponses sur vos concrètes cas si vous demandais :

My selection of Hbot documents and studies:

Study which makes me decide to go to Israel and do Hyperbare for my son:

First one it was about cardiac arrest survivors:

( my son is one of them so it’s normal I wanted to go to the center Hyperbare where they did scientific study about):

“Anoxic Brain Damage (ABD)

Cognitive impairment may occur in 42-50% of cardiac arrest survivors. An additional pilot study conducted at the Sagol Hyperbaric Center at Assaf Harofe Medical Center, where patients were treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBOT) 0.5-7.5 (mean 2.6+_0.6 years)after the cardiac arrest, Even though HBOT was started at the late chronic phase, it induced significant cognitive improvements in all of the patients. The clinical improvements were well documented by neuro-cognitive tests and correlated with improved ability to perform the activities of daily living and quality of life. The most significant measurable improvements were in executive functions, attention and memory. The clinical improvement correlated with metabolic improvement of the injured brain tissue as was well visualized by brain metabolic imaging.”

( read subtitles ) the biggest hbot center in Israel ( and prof dr Efrati)

You have his cv and scientific publications at the end of cv

Second study which influenced my decision was about stroke patients ( why stroke? Because even if mechanism of stroke is different from anoxic injury the rehabilitation programs are absolutely the same as for anoxic injured as for stroke injured patients) so this study was one of the best study I read for Hbot with spect scans and comparaisons:

Video explanation may be more easy for some of you?

So of cause afterwards I found much more studies to read 😉 and I can shere here part of them:

CP children’s:

Read this very good study (for cp)

Dr Efrati :

* Hyperbaric Oxygen Induces Late Neuroplasticity in Post Stroke Patients

* Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Post Concussion Syndrome Years after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

* Improvement of Memory Impairments in Post stroke Patients by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

* Intensive rehabilitation combined with HBO2 therapy in children with cerebral palsy: A controlled longitudinal study

* Oxygen – a limiting factor for brain recovery

* Reflection on the neurotherapeutic effects of hyperbaric oxygen

Dr Harch:

(En français) dr Marois :

CP and neurology:

Anoxic injury (near drowning)

2-year-old Eden Carlson’s road to recovery has defied the odds and is possibly the first medical case of its kind.

case of study published:;year=2017;volume=7;issue=2;spage=144;epage=149;aulast=Harch

Interview with Dr. Kenneth P. Stoller: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), Autism, Aspartame and Mercury

Rossignol autisme:

Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen:

(En français) dr Marois :

In Russia we use Hbot for pregnant women ( exectly when we suspect luck of oxygen for baby)… very smal pressure an only 34% oxygen…

I have study published ( in Russian)

For the first time, a device was developed (patent for utility model No. 56117 of April 17, 2006) and a modified procedure (rationalization proposal No. 503 of 21.03.2006) for hyperbaric oxygenation in pregnant women with chronic placental insufficiency.

In this study you have comparison in table for women’s with Hbot treatments during pregnancy (best APGAR score for just born children’s)

Medical Theses

For pregnant women’s with anemia:

Women’s with epilepsy was excluded from trail

So it was 1,3 -1,5 ata hard hbot

At 6-8 weeks of pregnancy first session 5-7 days of hbot 40 min ( only 5-7 days consecutive)

Than at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy ( also hbot only for 5-7 days)

And than at 22-24 weeks of pregnancy ( only for 5-7 days)….

Conducting HBO positively influenced the clinical course of pregnancy. This is evidenced by the rapid normalization of the general condition, the disappearance of myometrium hypertension in pregnant women with the threat of termination of pregnancy. Against the background of treatment, the hemoglobin level increased in the studied patients of both groups. In this case, in cases of HBO, this increase was more pronounced. If the level of hemoglobin in the main group was 86.5 ± 1.5 g / l before the course of HBO, then after receiving the full course of HBO, 110.5 ± 1.5 g / l. In patients who received therapy without HBO, the hemoglobin indices during the whole pregnancy did not differ significantly and on average averaged 9.0 ± 1.3 mmol / l. Against the background of treatment with HBO, there was a significant increase in the number of red blood cells – by 0.12 ∙ 1012 / l (p <0.05), platelets – by 9.5 ∙ 10 9 l (p <0.05), protein level – 3.09 g / l (p <0.01) in the blood in relation to the indicators in the group with standard treatment.

Sagol Center for hyperbaric informations ( where we did Hbot for Marc)

Dr. Shai Efrati: Director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research, Assaf-Harofeh Medical.

Professor Shai Efrati, MD, is the Director of the Sagol center for hyperbaric medicine and research at Assaf-Harofeh Medical Center in Israel. The center, under Prof. Efrati management, has become the largest most occupied hyperbaric center worldwide, currently treating more than 150 patients per day. Prof. Efrati is also the director of Research & Development of Assaf-Harofeh Medical center, affiliated to Tel-Aviv University. Taking the two passions/positions together Dr. Efrati has initiated a research program focusing on the neuroplasticity (regeneration of brain tissue) of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). In the first clinical studies, it was proved that HBOT can induce neuroplasticity in post stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury even years after the acute Insult. The important clinical results gained from the research program have led to fruitful cooperation including multidiscipline team focusing on regeneration of injured brain.

The vital clinical results gained from the research program have shed fascinating new light on regeneration of the injured brain as well as aging tissues

Naw they are doing research for children’s with TBI .

read subtitles ) the biggest hbot center in Israel ( and prof dr Efrati)

Study 2018 Alzheimer’s disease

You have his cv and scientific publications at the end of cv

In hibrou: