BrainMoove : Vibramoov and Gyrostim and all others neurological rehabilitation’s

We did Gyrostim and neurofeedback first time for Marc end of April 2017 in neuro plasticity brain center in France: ( one week) it’s like center in Orlando USA parents know what I talking about but in france and chiper (all therapies in USA I don’t know why but much more expensive in USA….)


So summer 2018 we tried new innovative reheducation system ( this time French) Vibramoov in center BrainMoove :

Film summer 2018 BrainMoove réhabilitations and Dinar and st Malo (great vacations at the same time

* read my previous article about summer 2017 in BrainMoove hire :

Contact of center:

In short : Vibramoov ™ uses Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations (SPF) to activate the nervous system with sensory information identical to that of natural walking.

These stimulations keep the sensory-motor interactions of anyone with locomotor disorders active and stimulate their neuroplasticity.

Experiments with vibramoov tests was developed by

Pr J-P Roll and now

by Prof. Frederic Albert, who was a student of Pr Roll

( theirs scientific profiles):

And naw studes published:

This time link in french:

It will be presented on European Neuro convention in April 2019 in London :

« Neurorehabilitation through Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations:

The Vibramoov system applies Functional Proprioceptive Stimulation to preserve the sensory and motor functions of the patient even when movement is impossible.  A number of electromechanical actuators are placed as shown in the adjacent images.  Programmed sequences stimulate the nervous system with sensory information which is identical to that which occurs in normal movement.  This afferent information can induce motor responses corresponding to the sensation that the patient experiences.  The patient has the sensation and experience of movement even at the earliest stage of recovery.  It is safe and effective when applied early in rehabilitation.

Research findings suggest that the sensory feedback induced by Vibramoov and the associated perception of movement may counteract disuse-induced cortical plastic changes. This happens due to the recruitment of a large part of the cortical network which is normally used during the actual performance of a movement. This research supports the possibility of guiding cortical plasticity with proprioceptive augmented feedback.

Many acquired or congenital neurological impairments (such as stroke, incomplete spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, MS and Parkinson’s disease) can dramatically affect our ability to move at will and they disturb our sense of « connection » to and awareness of our limbs.  Awareness of limb position (proprioception) is impaired.

One of the main challenges of neurorehabilitation is to preserve or re-establish the coordination between motricity (active movement) and the related neurosensory information.

Vibramoov offers a unique neurorehabilitation therapy by maintaining the functional interaction between movement and proprioception throughout the recovery process.

Vibramoov enhances both the rate and potential for recovery as the system may be used safely at the earliest stages of recovery; even earlier than typical robotic interventions.

Early intervention is very important to maximise the rate and extent of recovery as prolonged immobility brings about secondary effects that can be very hard to overcome when therapy is delayed. »

French :

En août 2018 en plus des Gyrostim et autres programmes neroplasticity d’année dernière on a essayé nouvel système reheducation française Vibromoov!

Ce qui était intéressant, c’est que Marc faisant vibramoov aujourd’hui (sans bouger les jambes) avait des sentiments à marcher (je lui ai demandé ce qu’il ressentait et il a dit: je marche avec des petits pas) ….

Vibromoov est un nouveau système de rééducation innovant.

Centre que nous faisons Gyrostim est l’un des 4 centres en France à faire de la rééducation avec cet système.

En bref: Vibramoov ™ utilise des stimulations proprioceptives fonctionnelles (FPS) pour activer le système nerveux avec des informations sensorielles identiques à celles de la marche naturelle.

Ces stimulations maintiennent actives les interactions sensori-motrices de toute personne présentant des troubles locomoteurs et stimulent leur neuroplasticité.

les documents du Vibramoove:

Les expérimentations ayant procédés aux tests du vibramoov sont celles développées par le Pr J-P Roll et maintenant par le Pr Frederic Albert, qui a été étudiant du Pr Roll

« Technoconcept, lauréat du trophée Innovation et médecine.

Technoconcept : la révolution médicale mondiale

L’histoire de Technoconcept, c’est l’histoire d’une révolution médicale, baptisée « Vibramoov ». Après 30 ans de recherches scientifiques et cliniques, la société installée à Mane est parvenue à mettre au point une technologie révolutionnaire dans le monde de la rééducation. Le « Vibramoov » permet en effet, à partir de séquences de vibrations, de stimuler le système nerveux. Il s’agit, ni plus ni moins, d’envoyer au cerveau des informations liées au mouvement alors que le corps n’est pas en capacité de bouger !

« Sans stimulation, le cerveau oublie très vite et se met à dérailler », expliquent Frédéric Albert et Nicolas Plumier, respectivement manager R&D et manager marketing. « Plus le corps reste immobile longtemps, plus la rééducation est longue et difficile. Alors imaginez une personne victime d’un AVC, avant qu’elle puisse se remettre debout, des mois se seront écoulés Avec le Vibramoov, son cerveau n’aura jamais cessé de monter des escaliers ou de courir. On maintient les activités cérébrales et on peut agir très tôt dans le parcours de soins ».

Officiellement présenté en décembre dernier, le Vibramoov de Technoconcept débute sa phase de commercialisation. Et, comme l’on pouvait s’y attendre, l’accueil est à l’image du produit : exceptionnel. Des premières commandes ont déjà été enregistrées en France et les premiers centres seront équipés dans le courant du mois de juillet ; mais l’intérêt médical dépasse largement nos frontières… De l’Italie à l’Allemagne en passant par la Pologne, la République Tchèque ou le Royaume Uni, tous les plus grands spécialistes sont unanimes, certains professeurs n’hésitant pas à parler du « meilleur dispositif qu’ils aient vu dans toute leur carrière » !

Il faut dire que Technoconcept a également mis à profit les six derniers mois pour améliorer et optimiser les capacités du Vibramoov. Initialement programmé pour la rééducation des membres inférieurs, il peut désormais appliquer le même procédé pour les membres supérieurs afin de proposer une méthode globale de traitement. Sachant que personne d’autre n’est capable de faire ça … dans le monde entier !

La société Technoconcept a été créée en septembre 1998 ; installée dans la zone d’activité Pitaugier, à Mane, elle emploie 16 personnes et est cogérée par Daniel Boschat, Frédéric Albert et Nicolas Plumier. »

Etudes publiées

I found this center like in Orlando USA ( but cheaper and in France)😉I honestly think they may be have more therapies also for neurological plasticity to chèque hire:

1000 € therapy 5 days

So second time we did 2 weeks from August 20 to September 2 in 2017 …

Marc results:

I think Marc has become more « stable » walking and more coordinated.

But it’s not miraculous .. Just good method reheducation for me in fact I prefer it than any intensive therapy program.

I already did reservation for summer 2018 so yes it’s one of my favorite programs after Hbot 😉

2 weeks: 1900€ therapies ( price will depands of programme and age of your child)

You will need housing (2 weeks in August for example we have to pay 1450 €)

Carrick uses something called the  » GyroStim, » essentially a mechanical chair that rotates slowly around in all directions:

“The Evolution of GyroStim

The Inspiration

In 1997 GyroStim inventor Kevin Maher and his wife gave birth to a little girl. Unfortunately, she was born three months premature, resulting in a diagnosis of severe spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy. When she reached age 4, her parents were told that her very poor balance might benefit from including vestibular stimulation in her daily home therapy program. She was prescribed a regimen of hundreds of chair spins, log rolls, and somersaults every day. This additional therapy was back-breaking work, balance, and there was no comfortable, practical, or easy method to provide it. There had to be a better way.

Inspired by this problem, Kevin applied his 25 years of experience with robotics systems towards engineering a solution. He designed and built an easier, safer, and more efficient way to provide his daughter with vestibular stimulation, resulting in the first prototype of the GyroStim. Maher’s daughter, Mackenzie, made unexpected and rapid gains, not only in balance, but also in other gross and fine motor abilities, trunk control, energy level, speech, and overall abilities. It soon became apparent that the vestibular stimulation from his unique combination of pitch and yaw rotations had triggered a cascade of significant additional gains well beyond the goal of simply improving her balance.

The Launch

Kevin continued developing his unique rotating chair, and soon his work captured the attention and interest of therapists, doctors, and researchers. Their acknowledgment of the immense need for this innovative device and his desire to make it available to others who could benefit from it reinforced his decision for moving forward with development of the GyroStim and the launch of a new company, UltraThera Technologies.

Soon after the company was formed, the first GyroStim system sale was to the United States Air Force Academy. The second sale went to the Mayo Clinic Aerospace Medical Vestibular Laboratory, further validating the broader interest in his new technology, with additional sales soon to follow.

The Breakthrough

In January 2011, one of the NHL’s top athletes, Sidney Crosby, suffered back-to-back concussions that forced him out of the game for most of that year. As recovery continued to elude Crosby, many feared that the head injury would force him out of the game permanently just as his career was at its peak.

In August 2011, still suffering from debilitating post-concussion symptoms (PCS), it was recommended to Crosby that he try the GyroStim. Soon after, he was back on the ice and was eventually cleared for full contact practice. In November 2011, after nearly 11 months of being sidelined due to the concussions, Sidney Crosby returned to the ice in one of the most spectacular comeback games in history. In 2012, he went on to sign a 12-year $104.4M contract extension with the Pittsburg Penguins, and GyroStim went on to become widely recognized for being the breakthrough technology that helped Crosby overcome his concussions.

The Paradigm Shift: From Passive to Interactive

Through 2013, GyroStim was used to provide passive vestibular stimulation— meaning that the subject seated in the rotating chair received vestibular stimulation without challenges or interactions during rotation. While this simple application of GyroStim was beneficial in many cases, Maher believed passive stimulation was only the beginning of what could be accomplished using GyroStim.

Maher hypothesized that adding an interactive training element during the vestibular stimulation would engage, challenge, and improve the function of physical and cognitive systems (sensorimotor systems) activated during the exercise. Theoretically, this would improve not only balance but also improve the performance of the activated sensorimotor systems, resulting in improved cognition and overall human performance.

To explore this hypothesis, he developed an integrated laser targeting system to provide subjects with interactive challenge during rotation. The subject would use a laser pointer to hit as many targets as possible—while rotating in the GyroStim.  This interactive “perceive, process, and react » approach should present significantly greater challenge to the subject’s physical and cognitive abilities than simply receiving passive vestibular stimulation in the GyroStim.

Maher also developed a library of motion profiles, with each profile providing a specific level of intensity, ranging from Level 1 (lowest intensity) to Level 30 (highest intensity). This would allow the clinician to quickly select a level and present the subject with vestibular stimulation and sensorimotor exercises advancing at an appropriate pace for each individual as performance improved. In other words, the GyroStim system and method customize an optimized rate of advancement for each person based entirely on their own performance progress.

In 2014, Maher put his interactive approach to the test during training camps with NFL, NHL, professional boxing/MMA, and Olympic athletes. The positive outcomes achieved supported his hypothesis with nearly all athletes reporting significant improvements in the areas of balance, coordination, spatial and situational awareness, reaction time, hand-eye coordination, object tracking, reduced brain fog, improved sleep, and also better mood, faster reading speed and improved comprehension were reported.

From there, Maher surmised that this same interactive approach for improving athletic performance would also be beneficial when used at lower intensities to help individuals during the rehabilitation and recovery process. His theory was supported by the reports of clinicians and thousands of people from all walks of life who have benefitted from using GyroStim at lower levels of intensity.

This method of applying vestibular stimulation and sensorimotor exercises simultaneously while incrementally advancing the intensity of training has transformed and greatly expanded applications for GyroStim on both ends of the spectrum from injury and illness rehabilitation to athletic performance enhancement.” ( Source: )


En français :


Clinical trails Gyrostim:

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