L’Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) s’est vu confier le mandat d’évaluer la valeur thérapeutique de l’oxygénothérapie hyperbare dans la prise en charge de la paralysie cérébrale.

Svpl toutes mes contacts qui utilisent Hyperbare et qui parle français répondre cet questionnaire ( en espérant que ça va donner ses résultats pour promouvoir loi sur Hyperbare à Canada !)


C’est le temps de faire valoir notre expérience, n’hésitez pas à participer et à partager 🙂

L’Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) s’est vu confier le mandat d’évaluer la valeur thérapeutique de l’oxygénothérapie hyperbare dans la prise en charge de la paralysie cérébrale.

Pour ce projet, l’INESSS est à la recherche de parents et de proches aidants d’enfants atteints de la paralysie cérébrale et de jeunes adultes avec la paralysie cérébrale de 18 à 25 ans afin de mieux comprendre l’expérience de soins, leurs besoins non comblés et leur perspective face à l’oxygénothérapie hyperbare.


HBOT efficacy in brain repair

The recent evidence for HBOT efficacy in brain repair and the new understanding of brain energy management and response to damage opens new therapeutically fields that will be further investigated in the upcoming years.

Very interesting article ( from pediatric doctor who had herself TBI and did Hyperbare in Israel)



Video :

Video is in English do listen it: (it’s explain really well about brain and why hbot can help neurological conditions : it’s started with strokes than TBI than fibromyalgia etc….)


« Clinical studies published in the last 3 years present convincing evidences that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can be the coveted neurotherapeutic method for brain repair. HBOT is a treatment in which oxygen-enriched air (up to 100%) is administrated to patients in a chamber where the pressure is elevated above 1ATA (one atmosphere absolute, which is the ambient atmospheric pressure). It is now realized, that the combined action of hyperoxia and hyperbaric pressure, leads to significant improvement in tissue oxygenation while targeting both oxygen and pressure sensitive genes, resulting in improved mitochondrial metabolism with anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the oxygen fluctuation generated by HBOT stimulates stem cells proliferation, HIF increased (The hyperoxide paradox) and brain angiogenesis. The lecture will introduce the current understanding of the multi-faceted role of HBOT in neurotherapeutics and the new understanding of brain energy management and response to trauma in general  »

Source :http://pracdemia.haifa.ac.il/index.php/en/23-kit-cat/video/161-hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-basics-and-neurological-applications-the-case-of-childhood-trauma-shai-efrati

Study which compares different pressures for CP

( I will say study wich makes people argue)….

Will be 1,3 ata without oxygen enough for CP?

Or 1,5ata with 100% oxygen is better ???

This is the question ! Is only one study enoth to answer it? I don’t know….

Are all children’s with CP need same protocol ?



here the study comparing 1,3 ata air

With 1,5ata

With 1,75 ata

( it was published by Dr Arun Mukerjee India):

Please see his conclusions :

So in fact conclusion is that all Hbot groups give improvements with no significant differences …. and that more study neded….

An this study was made in India with help of dr Marois (Canada)…..

In fact, this study compares the use of various hyperbaric pressures with the use of (ambient) air alone or oxygen-enrichment in the treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy (CP). The study shows that low pressure ambient air hyperbaric therapy (1.3 atmospheres-ATA) is also effective not only high pressure 100% oxygen (1.5 or 1.75 ATA) in the treatment of CP.

The children were studied by Dr. Arun Mukherjee, director of the UDAAN Disabled Children’s Center, a non-profit organization, recognized and aided by the Indian Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.

This landmark study, co-authored with Dr. Pierre Marois (McGill University in Montreal, Canada), further develops the 1999 ground-breaking McGill study (Lancet, February 2001) by expanding the number of subjects and by implementing an accurate placebo-control testing method. Subjects with a functional diagnosis of spastic diplegia cerebral palsy received one of four hyperbaric options, in addition to standard therapies:

1) the placebo therapy (20 subjects);

2) hyperbaric therapy at 1.3 ATA breathing ambient air under pressure (36 subjects);

3) hyperbaric therapy breathing 100% oxygen at 1.5 ATA (32 subjects); and

4 ) 1.75 ATA with 100% oxygen (58). All subjects were reevaluated at six months after conclusion of therapy to negate any traces of the placebo effect.

The study showed significant improvements FOR ALL THREE GROUPS receiving therapy hbot !!!!!(the placebo group showed little or no improvement).

They mentioned in study that 1,3 ata could be an option for parents who can’t afford 1,5 ata to get far degree of improuvments (read also please paragraph about chambers problems…)

They also mentioned in study:

…..”it is possible that the cp child with greater motor dysfunction will be slightly better with regular hbot 1,5 ata 100% oxygen”

So we need more studies to be shure which pressure is better for cp … in meantime wile we have no such studies I will be happy if parents with CP child trying any law neurological pressure …( better with Hbot doctor guidence ) so any law pressure 1,3 or 1,5 or 1,75 ….

Read all study… in details and do best you can for your children’s 😉

Bottom line ( pressure) is nobody really knows yet which is the best protocol.

Weakness if this study: absence of spect scans for all 3 groups with Hbot treatments before treatment and after.

As dr Efrati said in his research: « Unfortunately, in many – if not most – clinical studies done with hyperbaric oxygen on brain-in- jured patients, including those with cerebral palsy, the stunned areas have not been assessed by imaging. The anatomical/physiological imaging should be incorpor- ated as an essential part of the basic evaluation of every candidate for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. »

This study in India was done without any spect or MRI ….


But what firsthand we have to think when we talk about brain injury and CP: obviously more studies are needed!

And i think parents can help in someway to push for Hbot if we contact enough gouvernements / researchers/ media’s we need to take Hbot in the “light “ in order that general population knows about and that Hbot can help neurological conditions we need work all together not in separate camps… 😉 and doctors have to stop taking -us – parents like we are absolutely stupid 😉

( unfortunately we have some doctors which thinks we can only listen their orders) we are also need to study ( parents) and we can also bring some informations to doctors if they wants to listen us 😉

Clearly, large-scale, well-controlled, pressure dose- response studies are required to determine the optimal HBO2 therapy protocol for different conditions. Until such information is available, any treatment involving change in the environmental pressure should be con- sidered as a dose-comparison rather than a sham-control study. Moreover, since at a young age, brain protection is stronger (reflected by high ROS levels associated with CP) and neuroplasticity is more potent, it is reasonable to expect that optimal efficacy will be achieved by lower tissue oxygenation. Along such line of reasoning, the previously described trials used 2.0 atm abs for post- stroke patients and 1.5 atm abs for patient with mTBI with an intact macrovascular bed [23,24]. Due to the high diversity in the manifestation of cerebral palsy and in its severity, future efforts should also be directed towards a personalized dose-response curve. For example, it is likely that higher tissue oxygenation will be the practice of choice for children with a high expression of ApoE4, which is an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration.”

And : “One must bear in mind that children with CP suffer neurological deficiency since birth, so it will take time for the brain repair to become clinically apparent. For example, it is not reasonable to administer 20 daily HBO2 sessions to children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) and expect to see significant clinical progress within a time frame of less than a month [25].

On the other hand, it is important to perform fre- quent metabolic/physiological evaluations, which may provide valuable information for adjusting the dose- response curve. More studies are needed to determine the minimal effective dosage and the treatment duration for specific brain injuries. Non-invasive, in-chamber measurements that are currently being developed, speci- fically EEG and DTI, may shed some light on this important question.”

And: “the optimal candidate for hyperbaric oxygen is a patient with unrecovered brain injury where tissue hypoxia is the limiting factor for the regeneration processes. In this patient, HBO2 may induce neuroplasticity in the stunned regions where there is a brain anatomy/physiology (e.g., SPECT/CT) mismatch [23,”




Cells die in two ways- apoptosis or necrosis.

Apoptosis is programmed cell death and, as the description says, it dies over a period of time and the cell is partially recycled. This tends to be planned and a result of unused or misplaced cells.

Necrosis is quicker, uglier and releases toxins which are not ideal for the brain. This happens more often with trauma.

There is also a large gray area in the middle where cells can die with properties of apoptosis and necrosis. Using microscopes it can be very difficult to tell which is happening.

However, in cases of blunt trauma, if certain cells (e.g.: neurons) die then the dead cells may be engulfed and/or replaced by other cells in the brain such as [micro]glia or astrocytes.

Good read: ( about neurones)


Hbot and PSC (Persistent post-concussion syndrome caused by mild traumatic brain injury )

Hire what Study from Israel yet in 2016 about hbot and PSC (Persistent post-concussion syndrome caused by mild traumatic brain injury )

I am sure in 2018 they have much more data’s ( because naw they are doing study for children’s):

Results will be published in 2019

So we will talk about results of this trail in 2019 if you wants 😉

( I saw children’s and discussed with parents our last time we was in Israel May 2018…..so at least I know what parents alredy saw…)

It’s the first randoased trail for hbot and concussion in children’s :


Persistent post-concussion syndrome caused by mild traumatic brain injury has become a major cause of morbidity and poor quality of life. Unlike the acute care of concussion, there is no consensus for treatment of chronic symptoms. Moreover, most of the pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments have failed to demonstrate significant efficacy on both the clinical symptoms as well as the pathophysiologic cascade responsible for the permanent brain injury. This article reviews the pathophysiology of PCS, the diagnostic tools and criteria, the current available treatments including pharmacotherapy and different cognitive rehabilitation programs, and promising new treatment directions. A most promising new direction is the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which targets the basic pathological processes responsible for post-concussion symptoms; it is discussed here in depth.

(PDF) Treatment of persistent post-concussion syndrome due to mild traumatic brain injury: current status and future directions.

Available from:


[accessed Dec 04 2018].

16 symptoms of PCS on a 0 to 4 scale (King 1995). Thèses 16 symptoms are: headaches, feelings of dizziness, nausea or vomiting, noise sensitivity, sleep disturbance, fatigue, being irritable, feeling depressed or tearful, feeling frustrated or impatient, forgetfulness, poor concentration, taking longer to think, blurred vision, light sensitivity, double vision, and restlessness. Imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are useful to detect underlying abnormal findings, such as mild subarachnoid haemorrhage, subdural hematomas, and contusions for mTBI patients (Borg 2004). Other advanced imaging techniques, such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and single photon emission computerised tomography (SPECT), may also be useful to diagnose abnormal findings for PCS patients after mTBI (Agrawal 2005; Khong 2016).

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been proposed as a therapy to improve the symptoms of PCS.

Regeneration following damage to the brain after mTBI requires additional energy. HBOT may increase oxygen levels in the blood and body tissues, thus supplying sufficient oxygen for converting the energy through aerobic metabolism into a usable form for cellular function needed for brain repair. The elevated blood oxygen level may have several restorative effects on damaged brain cells, such as increasing blood flow, improving metabolism, triggering neuroplasticity, and activating angiogenesis (Golden 2002; Hadanny 2015; Tal 2015). HBOT may also increase cell proliferation, induce oxidative stress resistance, and may affect changes in gene expression (Godman 2010).

stem cell and cerebral palsy & autism Duke

You will be very surprised why I put CP and autism together in this article but in fact by reading all clinical researches I found that for stem cells therapy protocols for autism studies they are practically same as for CP studies…..

I will start with this powerful video ( Duke):


So I went through the attached Dr K lecture on link (in Israel) and its great. Final found evidence that sex of the donor does not impact success. Some key points:

19:32 mins – starts to talk about autism

21:00 mins – when brain cells are shocked, neurons die unless cord blood is added.

22:07 mins – they took out different cells from the cord blood until they identified CD14 as the only one that stopped the cell death.

27:00 mins – dose is important – high dose showed positive effects.

32:20 mins – 25 million/kg is the higher dose (same dose for the leukemia and CP study).

37:50 mins – With the high dose, MRIs showed improved connections in the brain.

41:00 mins – for genetic conditions, need to do chemo to get the new cells to stay in the brain, this is a serious risk. If genetic issue, use someone else’s cells.

45:00 mins – babies born with autism don’t control which pathways turn on and off, some pathways that are supposed to shut down in early infancy, don’t. This includes microglial activation, which causes sensory issues. (this actually matches Nemechek protocol).

46:30 mins – Vineland would usually go backwards over time as severe kids get older, but during the trial, their scores stayed stable.

51:55 mins – trial due to finish in August, with answers released next fall.

1:09 mins – CD14 cells can’t be expanded. Epilepsy shown no improvement in seizures.

1:12 mins – not know yet whether age impacts success.

1:15mins – the 30% of kids that didn’t show vineland improvement, tended to have lower IQs.

1:17mins – no preference seen whether male or female donors are better.

Cp study 2017 ( Duke)


One more interesting ( but more old video):


donor cord blood from a donor cord blood bank ( only Duke in USA :they just starting first trail with donor cord blood with hla matching….there are some others clinics doing donors cord blood but nobody doing hla matching exept Duke) as well they are doing donors MSC first trail for autism in Duke: This is duke trail autism :


• Donors MSC from cord tissue ( HLA matching no needed) Duke is doing naw MSC expanded from cord tissue as part of ongoing donor trail for CP : Duke donor trail CP: (cord blood and cord tissue expanded MSC):


So for Duke donor trail CP: (cord blood and cord tissue expanded MSC):


So in this CP trail Duke will decide children’s into 3 groups:

Cord blood group

MSc tissue group here what they will recive:

“the « MSC » arm will receive three hCT-MSC infusions, one each at baseline, three months, and six months” and “Cord Tissue Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Subjects will receive three intravenous infusions of 2×106/kg human umbilical cord tissue cells (hCT-MSC), manufactured from allogeneic umbilical cord donors”

And Placebo group ( nothing during first year of trail just at the baseline they will recive stem cells treatment )

Contact for Duke :

Duke will do it outside of trials : expanded access or compassionate care.

( but you need to pay for it… Oh and the fee is 15000$) some USA parents got it covered by insurance but not all of them ( diferent insurances may be -don’t know)

Requires :

1) you have cells banked ( own child stem cells from his birth )

2)you have sibling cells banked that HLA matches your child

3) no prior stem cell treatment

4) no ventilator

5) no trach

6)Based on childs weight- Must have a minimum of 25 million cells per Kilogram stored.

7)Duke also turns down if child had immunosuppressive drugs at all.

Process takes anywhere from 6 months to 1 year to get approved. Must turn in a ton of paperwork, records, scans.

3-4 day process ( presence in Duke) 45min IV in arm one injection.

Duke Stem cells contacts:


The objective of the study is to enable access to sibling or autologous umbilical cord blood (UCB) infusions for children with various brain disorders.

The use of UCB in this fashion is based on safety and efficacy data from prior and ongoing clinical trials at Duke University Medical Center in over 700 patients with these diagnoses infused with autologous or sibling UCB over the past decade.

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Cerebral Palsy


Apraxia of Speech

Hypoxia Ischemia, Cerebral

Drowning; Anoxi



Pediatric Bone and Marrow Transplant Program at Duke

Joanne Kurtzberg , MD

Durham, NC 27710


Duke Linet: 919-668-1119


Bethany Kister RN

Joanne Kurtzberg, MD

Director, Carolinas Cord Blood Bank

Chief Scientific Officer, Robertson Clinical and Translational Cell Therapy Program

Director, Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Program

DUMC Box 3350

2400 Pratt Street Room #9026

Durham, NC 27705

919-668-1119 (phone)

919-668-7161 (fax)


Dr Kurtzberg in Duke university doing just exceptional research for stem cells forCP children’s and for autism ( and if one day it will be recognized by fda it’s because if duke efforts)

Next to watch I will advice you:

Dr. Kurtzberg’s virtual conference at the World Cord-Blood Day 2018:

Extending Cord Blood to Regenerative Therapies for the Brain: Autism, Cerebral Palsy & Stroke: Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg (Duke Department of Pediatrics)

Dr. Kurtzberg’s research has focused on children with selective inborn errors of metabolism. Her work has shown that cord blood cells, administered intravenously after myeloablative therapy engraft in the brain. In addition, DUOC-01, a cord blood derived cellular therapy that promotes myelination, is undergoing testing to augment standard umbilical cord blood treatment in children with leukodystrophies.  In this presentation, Dr. Kurtzberg will discuss her on-going research using cord blood to potentially treat autism, cerebral palsy and stroke.  She also will explore the potential use of DUOC-1 and highlight the importance of quality control considering the numerous new potential clinical applications of cord blood.

For those that didn’t get the chance to watch it, here’s Dr. Kurtzberg’s virtual conference at the World Cord-Blood Day 2018 that took place on November 15. This link will allow you to bypass the registration process and go directly to the presentation. Once you start watching it, don’t pause or switch apps as you won’t be able to go back (you’ll need to watch the video all over again if you happen to pause.) It takes about 35 minutes to watch the entire presentation. — AND here’s also a link to a separate interview they had with Dr. K :

Interview: https://app.gotowebinar.com/sl/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0igudPXP0xZ2gq-MS9yyaMX-PIlgxBd8Rv2XZNdUOt1ytvpS5EtyZjgv0#/4138639127435702018/387074667558437643

Conference: https://app.gotowebinar.com/sl/index.html?fbclid=IwAR1U_R3OvgNnYgLM6fuL58InfAzp_c7gAAk2a-jGRBP-AC4ZQgqnpeqUqAY#/8722573472398615298/2096575555213456652

you can watch other world renowned experts in the field in this link


Very interesting presentation: ( need to register in order to see and listen):

« “Cord Blood for Traumatic Brain Injury / Neurological Injuries” – Dr. Charles Cox : « Neurological injuries have both a primary and secondary component. The secondary component is mediated, in part, by pro-inflammatory cells from the monocyte/macrophage and microglial lineages. Many cellular therapeutics, cord blood in particular can dampen the hyper-inflammatory response to injury that can be deleterious to ultimate repair and recovery. This presentation will highlight some of the potential mechanisms of action that serve as the background for the use of cord blood for these indications. «


Pour ceux qui n’ont pas eu la chance de le voir, voici la conférence virtuelle du Dr. Kurtzberg à la Journée mondiale du selules souches du cordon umbilical 2018, de 15 novembre. Ce lien vous permettra de contourner le processus d’inscription et d’accéder directement à la présentation . Une fois que vous avez commencé à regarder la vidéo, ne mettez pas les applications en pause ni changez d’application, car vous ne pourrez pas revenir en arrière (vous devrez regarder la vidéo à nouveau si vous faites une pause interview commence dans 2-3 minutes de début) Il faut environ 35 minutes pour regarder la présentation entière. Et voici également un lien vers une interview séparée qu’ils ont eue avec le Dr K:

Interview: https://app.gotowebinar.com/sl/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0igudPXP0xZ2gq-MS9yyaMX-PIlgxBd8Rv2XZNdUOt1ytvpS5EtyZjgv0#/4138639127435702018/387074667558437643

Conference: https://app.gotowebinar.com/sl/index.html?fbclid=IwAR1U_R3OvgNnYgLM6fuL58InfAzp_c7gAAk2a-jGRBP-AC4ZQgqnpeqUqAY#/8722573472398615298/2096575555213456652

« “Extending Cord Blood to Regenerative Therapies for the Brain: Autism, Cerebral Palsy & Stroke” – Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg (Duke Department of Pediatrics, Marcus Center for Cellular Cures): Dr. Kurtzberg’s research has focused on children with selective inborn errors of metabolism. Her work has shown that cord blood cells, administered intravenously after myeloablative therapy engraft in the brain. In addition, DUOC-01, a cord blood derived cellular therapy that promotes myelination, is undergoing testing to augment standard umbilical cord blood treatment in children with leukodystrophies. In this presentation, Dr. Kurtzberg will discuss her on-going research using cord blood to potentially treat autism, cerebral palsy and stroke. She also will explore the potential use of DUOC-1 and highlight the importance of quality control considering the numerous new potential clinical applications of cord blood.« 

Stem cells stroke study ( surgical transplantation)

Stroke victims in the Bay Area are seeing incredible recoveries, some literally overnight, thanks to a new kind of stem cell treatment at Stanford University.



Study :





Histoire hbot pour Céleste du Canada – maladie de Lyme.

Dans cet article, je vous raconte l’histoire de cette petite fille: Céleste du Québec.

Céleste est une belle petite fille de 2 ans et demi qui vit avec la maladie de Lyme.

Petite fille c’est fait mordre à l’oreille par un tique et c’était pas dans un bois profond…. et c’était fin octobre 2017 en plain vile du Québec.

« La maladie de Lyme, une infection bactérienne causée par Borrelia burgdorferi et transmise à l’homme par la piqûre de tiques à pattes noires infectées, est la maladie à transmission vectorielle la plus répandue aux États-Unis. La manifestation caractéristique de la maladie de Lyme, un érythème migrant autour de la morsure de la tique Les analyses de laboratoire peu optimales sont une option de diagnostic peu fiable pour un maximum de 20% des patients qui ne présentent pas de symptômes objectifs. Des antibiotiques administrés au début de la maladie guérissent jusqu’à 90% des personnes infectées. « 

Heureusement les parents ont a fait des séances en caisson Hyperbare à la clinique:


Voici ici un témoignage de sa maman Valérie Dupont

Bonne lecture !

source de article :


« Ni la maladie de Lyme ni la CLD ne sont des indications approuvées pour l’HBO ( hbot), et il existe peu de preuves pour appuyer l’utilisation de HBO ( hbot), sur cette maladie déroutante, bien que des cas d’amélioration spectaculaires aient été rapportés. Création de registre dans ses cas sera outil de mieux comprendre le nombre de patients traités et permettra déterminer si l’HBO ( hbot) l’a ou non un effet bénéfique sur cette maladie troublante et controversée. Ce registre pourrait servir de véhicule aux essais prospectifs nécessaires pour générer des preuves potentielles en faveur de l’utilisation de l’HBO ( hbot) sur la maladie de Lyme. « 

Source :


article dans journal Express:

Pour lire plus loin lien:


English :

« Lyme disease, a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted to humans by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks, is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. The hallmark manifestation of Lyme disease, an erythema migrans around the tick bite, is found on most infected persons. Less than optimal laboratory testing is an unreliable diagnostic option for up to 20 % who present without objective symptoms. Antibiotics administered early on in the disease cure up to 90 % of infected persons. 

……Neither Lyme disease nor CLD is an approved indication for HBOT, and evidence is scarce to support the use of HBOT on this confusing disease, although some dramatic cases of improvement have been reported. An HBOT registry for Lyme disease and CLD would be an important tool to better understand the number of patients treated and whether or not HBOT has a beneficial effect on this puzzling and controversial condition. This registry could serve as the vehicle to perform the prospective trials that are needed to generate potential evidence to support the use of HBOT on Lyme disease. »

Source :


Sign petition for Hbot recognition for brain injury please

M’y son was really helped by hbot after his anoxic injury because his cardiac arrest caused by his Wpw

( if you wish to read his story) on my blog :


But I am asking you to help us parents to get more support for fda for hbot:

Christian G. Huber friend of mine

did this petition

If you wish to sign and to share 😉 go just on this link:


Sign that Food and Drug Administration: Approve Hyperbaric Oxygen for Off-Label Conditions (Cerebral Palsy, TBI, PTSD, etc.) »




PoNS and SYMPATHOCOR and BrainPort Balance device

What is Pons?
It’s a Device to help Cranial Nerve Non-Invasive NeuroModulation (CN-NINM) via the tongue:

The CN-NINM intervention is an experimental regimen. It has been developed over the last 12 years at Tactile Communication and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory (TCNL) at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. The PoNS™ is an experimental device that has been evolved over this same period at TCNL, PoNS receive 22 October 2018 Medical Device License Clearance from Health Canada but PoNS is not yet FDA approved.

NEWTOWN, Pa., Dec. 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Helius Medical Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:HSDT) (TSX:HSM) (“Helius” or the “Company”), a neurotech company focused on neurological wellness, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, NeuroHabilitation Corporation, has submitted an application for a CE Mark, the receipt of which will allow the Company to market its Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS™) in the European Union.

PoNS is a licensed class II medical device in Canada and an investigational medical device in the U.S. and the European Union.


Waiting FDA clearance :

The PoNS (portable neurostimulator) device was designed for rehabilitation of full spectrum other neurological symptoms in the most difficult conditions – chronic stages of TBI and Stroke. There is no feedback and no microcomputers inside. It is a device for brain stimulation. You can find more informations in the second Norman Doidge book, « The brain’s way of healing », chapter 7.

And at site Helius Medical Technologies:


PoNS is certified in Canada but not yet in USA – hopefully – end 2018. Before that – no one can buy or use it besides TBI patients, adults, in official clinical trials.
For example :

I think they will do study for mild TBI ( 20 participants)?

Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation?

I think they will start 30 November ?


The only chance to try it, and to test – is to travel to Moscow.
PoNS and CP was studed in Russia :
Here is information about CP clinic where they did clinical trail with Pons in Russia, Sankt Petersburg:
website – www.gb40.ru
Publication in Russian:
(So just 1-2 November 2018 this cp study was presented to international Congress in Moscow ) hire translation and photos in Russian 🙂
« Materials and methods. Standard scales GMFSC, FMS, Ashvotr Scale, Berg Scale were used for the evaluation, and an EEG study was also conducted. The study involved 134 patients, aged 2 to 6 years with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Spastic diplegia. All patients had intact intelligence, did not have convulsive seizures. The test group of children was 96 people. All children in this group received standard treatment and additionally translingual neurostimulation of the brain. The control group consisted of 40 people who received only standard therapy.

Results. The results obtained proved the safety and efficacy of this method in patients with cerebral palsy. A positive result was observed in reducing spasticity and improving balance and balance control in both groups, but was most pronounced in the group of subjects, as evidenced by statistically significant results. Also in the group of subjects, the cumulative nature of the results of therapy was noted, which indicates that the results achieved as a result of the combination therapy remain in the intervals between the courses. This study supports our hypothesis that non-invasive translingual neurostimulation is, indeed, facilitates and increases the effectiveness of standard physical therapy. This method of neurostimulation effectively activates the brain structures involved in the mechanisms of sensorimotor integration. Findings. The use of neurostimulation with the help of the PONS device, in combination with therapeutic gymnastics (targeted exercises), can improve the efficiency of the restoration of motor functions and the development of motor skills. This study opens up broad prospects for the use and development of this method in children with cerebral palsy. »

Source: http://association-dcp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/tezis_2018.pdf

Lecture Danilov nerorehabilitation:
PoNS in France:
Helius Medical Technologies, Inc. Announces MRI Confirmatory Evidence of Neuroplastic Change after Investigational PoNS™ Treatment Presented at the 2018 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM – ESMRMB in Paris, France:

« The main conventional approach for treating traumatic brain injury related gait and balance deficits has been through physical therapy, but few approaches have focused on brain based rehabilitation efforts that create direct neuroplastic changes. There remains a need for such an approach. Therefore, the goal of this study was: 1) to apply Cranial Nerve Non-Invasive NeuroModulation (CN-NINM) via the tongue in combination with multiple symptom-specific physical therapy exercises in patients with mild to moderate TBI, and 2) to investigate and quantify gray matter volume changes prior to and after intervention as well as their correlation with behavior. »

The PoNS™ device uses electrotactile waveform in conjunction with the Cranial Nerve – Non-Invasive NeuroModulation (CN-NINM) intervention. This involves using both balance and gait training methods to stabilize symptoms, regain balance & gait, and affect the functional transfer of improved stability and mobility to activities of daily living. It is based on a body of work focused on developing the tongue-based human-machine interface and application of this technology for balance, vision, and auditory substitution and more recently as neuromodulation for brain rehabilitation after injury and disease.
“143 electrodes and fits on the anterior portion of the tongue, to be held securely in place by the lips. The PoNS device uses an unbalanced biphasic waveform designed to ensure net zero current to reduce chance of tissue irritation, and has 19 V max and 6mA operational limits. Pulses are delivered to the tongue in triplets of pulses at 5 ms intervals every 20 ms. The subject can control the pulse-width (0.4-0.6 s) by adjusting the intensity buttons on the device.”
Read This study: for stroke patient:
More to read and watch about pons:
Danilov : cranial nerve non invasive neuromodulation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK299239/#!po=3.06122
Fille cp
Premieres 10 minutes
De minute 26 (autres conditions neurologiques que MS)
Russian PhD dissertation written by Vadim Vladislavovich Deineko about the study: 

Pons Canada :


Contact Mr Mazaltarim (Mazaltarim Marcel) at 514-481-7867


Heuro Canada, #201- 13737 96 Ave., Surrey, BC, V3V 0C6

(778) 819-1484




(Mazaltarim Marcel )

will have this soon. Stay tuned.

But Montreal indicated they will not be able treat patients with CP

Besides, even for diagnosis where they do offer treatment, minimum age is 18

Very disappointing indeed

Moscow pons: clinic is located 25 km from Moscow,


Bugorskiy Evgeny M



Rehaline clinic,

25 km from Moscow, email above.

 +7 (495) 211-51-70
 ПН – ПТ с 9 до 18

Just some part for you from photo translation :

« Portable neurostimulator poNS allows you to restore the brain after diseases and injuries, as well as improve skills in a healthy person. The effectiveness of the technique has been proven in more than 5,000 patients with various neurological diseases of the last 10 years. Advantages of the method: non-invasive stimulation, no surgical insertion of electrodes, effects on the brain stem along natural pathways, restoration of function regardless of the initial cause of deterioration, a small number of relative contraindications, the effect of use in a wide age range. »

For contact and coordination, please send a letter to:


Dr. Evgeny Bugorsky

Others devices :

It’s an other device ( studed and invented in Russia): I honestly don’t know enoth about just wanted to mention it and so you can study yourself :
« The Simpatokor 01 apparatus, which puts these principles into practice, is included in the Russian StateRegister of Medical Devices (registration certificateNo. FSR 2007/00757 of September 28, 2007). Medicalmethods used in treatment with the Simpatokor 01 support stimulation of the cervical ganglia of the sympathetic trunk with the fields described above. The efficacy ofthis approach has been confirmed by results from theclinical use of the apparatus both at the prenosologicalstage and in the treatment of patients with migraine,autonomic vascular dystonia, hypertension (includingstable arterial hypertension resistant to standard therapy),the sequelae of closed craniocerebral traumas and cerebral concussion, hyperhidrosis syndrome, orthostatichypotension syndrome, and postural tachycardia,vestibulopathy syndrome, drug resistant epilepsy, neurosis syndromes, depression anxiety spectrum disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and alsofor the effective elimination of invasive units, recoveryfrom the state of alcohol and drug withdrawal, and forrestoration of auditory and visual functions ».
(PDF) New Principles for the Organization of Neurorehabilitation.
Hire study pons and SYMPATHOCOR together :
Study in Russian about sympatocor :
BrainPort Balance device
« BrainPort Balance device is the sensory substitution device, using electrotactile neurofeedback to stabilize the subject head and it was originally designed to help people with peripheral vestibular disorders – to fix posture, body alignment and static balance control. See the Norman Doidge book –  » Brain that change itself », chapter 1. It is still the best device for the purpose. « 
Study with BrainPort :
Improving the Motor Skill
of Children With Posterior Fossa
Syndrome: A Case Series
Manufacturer Wicab, Inc, www.wicab.com
The brainport was approved in Canada only. Not the USA 
Pons ( немного информации по русски):

Разработан нейростимулятор языка для пациентов с двигательными нарушениями: Понс

Устройство стимулирует создание новых нервных путей в головном мозге, необходимых для восстановления двигательных функций при ДЦП, травмах, рассеянном склерозе и других заболеваниях. 

Ученые из университета Висконсин-Мэдисон создали портативный нейромодуляционный стимулятор (Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator, PoNS), который позволяет воздействовать на головной мозг через язык человека. 

При работе PoNS на протяжении 20-30 минут происходит неинвазивное нейромодуляционное воздействие на черепные нервы (cranial nerve non-invasive neuromodulation, CN-NiNM). Как показали эксперименты, при этом в мозге пациента образуются новые нервные связи. Это улучшает организационные способности мозга и запускает процессы восстановления контроля над нервной системой. 

PoNS будет эффективным дополнением к основному курсу реабилитации людей, получивших черепно-мозговую травму, переживших инсульт, а также страдающих от детского церебрального паралича (ДЦП), болезни Паркинсона или множественного рассеянного склероза. ( почитайте книгу Нормана доджа).

Исследование сделанное в Питере для детей с дцп:

Игнатова Т.С.1, Скоромец А.П.2, Колбин В.Е.1,Сарана А.М.1,3, Щербак С.Г.1,3, Данилов Ю.П.4

Материалы и методы. 
Для оценки применялись стандартные шкалы GMFSC, FMS, Шкала Ашвотра, Шкала Берга, также проводилось ЭЭГ исследование. В исследовании приняло участие 134 пациента, в возрасте от 2 до 6 лет с диагнозом ДЦП. Спастическая диплегия. Все пациенты имели сохранный интеллект, не имели судорожных приступов. Испытуемая группа детей составила 96 человек. Все дети этой группы получали стандартное лечение и дополнительно транслингвальную нейростимуляцию головного мозга. Контрольная группа составила 40 человек, которые получали только стандартную терапию.
Результаты. Полученные результаты доказали безопасность и эффективность применения данного метода у пациентов с церебральным параличом. Положительный результат отмечался в снижении спастичности и улучшения контроля равновесия и баланса в обеих группах, но максимально выражены в группе испытуемых, что подтверждается статистически значимыми результатами. Также в группе испытуемых был отмечен кумулятивный характер результатов терапии, что свидетельствует о том, что результаты, достигнутые в результате комбинированной терапии, сохраняются в перерывах между курсами. Это исследование подтверждает нашу гипотезу, что неинвазивная транслингвальная нейростимуляция, действительно, облегчает и увеличивает эффективность стандартной физической терапии. Данный метод нейростимуляции позволяет эффективно активировать структуры мозга, вовлеченные в механизмы сенсомоторной интеграции.
Выводы. Использование нейростимуляции при помощи прибора ПоНС, в сочетании с лечебной гимнастикой (целенаправленных занятий), позволяет улучшить эффективность восстановления двигательных функций и развитие моторных навыков. Настоящее исследование открывает широкие перспективы применения и развития данного метода у детей с церебральным параличом.


( осторожно в России так же продают теперь подделку!!!!)

Нейропорт – криво сделанная самоделка имитирующая ПоНС, с неправильными сигналами, опасная в применении.

Не покупайте это!